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    Branch programme/details

    Musical Theory and Education (0111VD300016)

    Faculty: Faculty of Education
    Study programme: Musical Theory and Education (P0111D300016)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: Czech
    Expected minimum number of accepted students Expected number of accepted students: 1
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2021
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      The PhD study programme Music theory and education is set to prepare future scientific staff who will be able to work independently on their creative and scientific work in the area of music education and music theory. The study programme is to systematically deepen the knowledge in the area of interest, provides results of music education/pedagogy and music and science research, including the current trends in music education which should develop specific musical competence to begin independent scientific work in the field. The study programme provides a scientific framework for the area of research in music pedagogy in compliance with music theory.

      Program without specialization.

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      Candidates should have already completed their master's in music education (or combination of instrument specialization or choir leader specialization). The entrance exam is focused mainly on the depth of knowledge and skills necessary for successful completion of the PhD. Study programmer according to the selected specialization and regarding the thesis topic.
      Entrance exam: The prerequisites for scientific work are verified by a project discussion which will be in the future an essential part of the thesis defence. Applicants should submit their thesis project proposal with their PhD. application. The thesis project proposal should not exceed 10 pages and the topic should involve the current state of the researched area of interest and the possible solutions for future research in the area, elementary ideas about the objectives and structure of the dissertation, possible methodology and list of cited works which are essential for the topic and which are important for the thesis project preparation.

      Evaluation Criteria: The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 11.06.2021 Until: 11.06.2021
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 25.06.2021 Until: 25.06.2021
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      The graduate has a thorough knowledge of the topic of his dissertation. He has the knowledge and skills of the disci-plines related to this thesis. He is prepared for pedagogical activities in the tertiary sphere of education as well as for independent scientific work in areas drawing on the results of music-pedagogical and musical-theoretical activities. He is qualified for expert topics, is able to present the results of his activities at the international level and has experience with research, publication and grant activities. They are able to solve problems of music theory and education in edu-cational institutions and institutions focused on research work in this area, on its application in practice and on the presentation of results of music-theoretical and music-pedagogical activities.