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    Branch programme/details

    Parasitology (0511VD030043)

    Faculty: Faculty of Science
    Study programme: Parasitology (P0511D030043)
    Form of study: combined
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online
    Possibility of exemption from entrance examination: yes

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2020
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      The program is carried out without any specialization.
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      The entrance exam is one round and the interview will deal mainly with the dissertation plane and candidate’s knowledge in the given field of study. The committee assesses:
      1. Quality and presentation of the doctoral project – the candidate may attach a summary to their application as an optional supplement or they can bring it to the interview (hypothesis, the time plan and methodology). Both the presentation and the reaction to committee’s questions are assessed.
      2. Previous scientific work – previous activities, especially (but not exclusively) those that are related to the doctoral project; publications and grant activities are prioritized
      3. Knowledge and orientation of the candidate in the field with special regards to the project – the candidate must prove knowledge of the current affairs in the field and especially in the research related to the project, the candidate must show ability to evaluate scientific hypotheses, the committee may also pay attention to previous study results.
      During the entrance examination the candidate must demonstrate the technical and linguistic skills to study the given field, along with abilities necessary for independent scientific work.

      The examination is graded with a maximum of 100 points, of which 30 points may be awarded as a bonus for giving a more specific idea of the study content and planned dissertation in the voluntary application appendix, including the dissertation topic, a brief annotation, an anticipated supervising department and the consent of a specific supervisor to supervise such doctoral project.

      Based on a written request submitted electronically together with the application, but no later than by 12th May 2020, the dean may permit that the entrance exam will take place via information and communication technology, but only for serious and documented reasons such as health or study abroad.
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 15.06.2020 Until: 26.06.2020
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 07.07.2020 Until: 17.07.2020
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      The entrance examination may be waived based on a request of a candidate who has been accepted for the STARS project in the given academic years. The request must be submitted electronically by May 12th 2020.
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      The graduate's profile is largely determined by the specific objectives of the doctoral thesis determining the nature of the training for scientific work or practice in the field. The graduate has expertise in parasitic organisms (protozoa, helminths and arthropods), especially molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry, pathogenicity and epidemiology, all with an emphasis on host–parasite interaction. The graduate is able to solve theoretical and practical problems related to parasites at multidisciplinary level and to present achieved results in international journals and at scientific meetings; to participate in basic and applied research projects at universities and research institutes; to work in education sector, health care, veterinary medicine and in private pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies.