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    Branch programme/details

    Didactics of Geography (0532VD330027)

    Faculty: Faculty of Science
    Study programme: Didactics of Geography (P0532D330027)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online
    Possibility of exemption from entrance examination: yes

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2020
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      The program is carried out without any specialization.

      The study programme Didactics of Geography comprises a wide range of issues related to monitoring, innovations and evaluation of geographical education and education of individuals and society. The acquired professional skills include didactics of geography, but also some other fields of study (especially geography, pedagogy, psychology, IT and sociology), that are necessary to solve multidisciplinary problems. The level of these professional skills is comparable to the level of similar doctoral programmes abroad.
      The graduate is prepared to do scientific work in team and individually, to teach and to manage activities in the field of geographical education. The latter means that the graduate is able to contribute to solution of issues in geography education such are planning, realisation and evaluation of geographical education in relation to a broader context of education and its goals.
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      The entrance exam is one round and the interview will deal mainly with the dissertation plane and candidate’s knowledge in the given field of study. The candidates prepares a written presentation (max 5,000 characters) and an approximately 10-minute oral presentation on the following:
      a) summary of previous scientific activities
      b) brief presentation of the doctoral project
      The committee assesses the candidate’s overall motivation, their language abilities, previous scientific results, quality and feasibility of the doctoral project.
      During the entrance examination the candidate must demonstrate the technical and linguistic skills to study the given field, along with abilities necessary for independent scientific work.

      The examination is graded with a maximum of 100 points, of which 10 points may be awarded as a bonus for giving a more specific idea of the study content and planned dissertation in the voluntary application appendix, including the dissertation topic, a brief annotation, an anticipated supervising department and the consent of a specific supervisor to supervise such doctoral project.

      Based on a written request submitted electronically together with the application, but no later than by 12th May 2020, the dean may permit that the entrance exam will take place via information and communication technology, but only for serious and documented reasons such as health or study abroad.

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 15.06.2020 Until: 26.06.2020
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 07.07.2020 Until: 17.07.2020
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      The entrance examination may be waived based on a request of a candidate who has been accepted for the STARS project in the given academic years.

      The request must be submitted electronically by May 12th 2020.
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      The graduate gains a deep insight into the field of geography teaching by acquiring professional skills in didactics of geography, but also some other fields of study (especially geography, pedagogy, psychology, IT and sociology), that are necessary to solve multidisciplinary problems. The level of these professional skills is comparable to the level of similar doctoral programmes abroad.
      The graduate is prepared to do scientific work in team and individually, to teach and to manage activities in the field of geographical education. The latter means that the graduate is able to contribute to solution of issues in geography education such are planning, realisation and evaluation of geographical education in relation to a broader context of education and its goals.