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    Branch programme/details

    Social Geography and Regional Development (1301V000)

    Faculty: Faculty of Science
    Study programme: Social Geography and Regional Development (P1309)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online, Paper
    Possibility of exemption from entrance examination: yes

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2019
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      The subject of study is geographical organization of society and its development. The courses on offer are particularly concerned with the following themes: analytical and synthetic evaluation of the system of settlement and the process of urbanization; hierarchical organization of regions; territorial differentiation of social and economic phenomena and identification of the role of their conditioning factors. In terms of its applied dimension, this study relates to problems of regional development, administrative division and locational aspects of various socio-economic phenomena. A special importance is ascribed to the study of interaction between society and its environment including related problems of social ecology. Further and more specific study opportunities are offered in connection with themes from a number of subdisciplines of socio-economic geography such as structure and development of migration relationships and their motivation (population geography); land use (geography of agriculture); locational factors (geography of industry) and hierarchical differentiation of service facilities of centres (geography of services).

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      The entrance exam is a one round in the form of an interview. Based on a written request submitted electronically together with the application but no later than by 19 May 2019, the Dean may permit the entrance examination to take place via information and communication technology, but only for serious and documented reasons such as health or study abroad.
      During the entrance examination the candidate must demonstrate the technical and linguistic skills to study the given program, along with attributes necessary for scientific work. The examination is graded with a maximum of 100 points, of which 10 points are awarded as a bonus for giving a more specific idea of the study content and planned dissertation work in the voluntary application appendix, including the dissertation topic, a brief annotation, the anticipated supervising department and the consent of a specific supervisor to supervice such doctoral project.

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 17.06.2019 Until: 28.06.2019
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 08.07.2019 Until: 19.07.2019
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      The entrance exam may be waived based on a written request from the candidate, provided they have successfully applied for a STARS project in the given academic year. Such a request, along with documentation that the conditions have been met, must be submitted (but not electronically) by 19 May 2019.
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      This graduate is well-prepared for creative and scientific work in a team or as an individual. He/she is capable of analyzing components of the socio-geographical environment, and comprehensively analysing and evaluating its changing spatial organisation as well as interactions between social and natural conditions, socio-economic and socio-cultural systems, all of this through the utilisation of GIS. He/she is able to outline scientific research on regional development at various spatial levels. He/she is also prepared to advise on policy-making and commercial activities, and be involved in public administration, planning and consulting, e.g. in regional and urban development, suburbanisation, peripheral areas, population mobility, location of economic activities, market research, at the national, European, and global levels.
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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 50000 CZK / year