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    Branch programme/details

    Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe (6201T011)

    Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences
    Study programme: Economics (N6201)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: Master's (post-Bachelor)
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 2 years
    Short note: Tuition fee based English-taught study programme /studium za úhradu v AJ/
    Application type: Online, Paper

    • You cannot apply for study of this programme/branch now.

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      Application submission date 1: 30.04.2019
      Application submission date 2: 23.09.2019
      Note on date 2: Complementing admission process.
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      Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe (CSF) is a two-year English-language Master's double-degree programme (DDP) with the University of Strasbourg aiming at providing the students with a broad knowledge and understanding of economic theory with a focus on financial and international economics corresponding to the present state-of-the-art.

      The CSF programme is based on the Bologna Process, and is intended to facilitate the collaboration between the Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague and Sciences Po Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg in teaching and academic research in the field of Economics. The Degree Programme covers two academic years. Each student on the Degree Programme is requested to spend one academic year at each of the Partner Universities in line with the Curriculum. Upon the completion of the studies, each student will receive the Diploma Master in “Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe” from University of Strasbourg and the Master’s degree Diploma with the academic title “Magistr” from Charles University in Prague.

      Double-degree graduates will be able to find position on the global market, both in the financial sector and multinational companies, as well as in the public sector, not only in the Czech Republic or France, but also throughout the European Union. Graduates of both Partner universities are in demand by leading private companies, but also major economic and political organisations and typically assume challenging positions in banking, consulting, investment funds, and public administration.

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      In addition to the application form, the applicant must provide:

      • CV

      • Copy of a diploma to show completed Bachelor's or Master's studies, or confirmation of ongoing studies in the academic year that those studies will be completed;

      • List of academic results from completed Bachelor's programme (summary of marks and academic results)

      • Document showing level achieved in English language (this requirement may be waived if the applicant's Bachelor's programme was in an English-speaking country, or if the language of instruction was English)

      • Document showing knowledge of mathematics (results from GRE or GMAT, or syllabi showing relevant subjects to have been completed, and listed in a summary of academic results)

      • Motivation letter

      Only the following students may apply for this course: students who already hold a Bachelor's degree or equivalent, students with a sufficient knowledge of English (at least B2 in the CEFR) and with a knowledge of mathematics and statistics. The Executive Council of the double-degree programme will decide whether or not the applicant's knowledge is sufficient.

      All documents which are not originally in Czech, Slovak or English must be accurately translated into English.

      The admissions commission will use a ranking system of points 1 – 100, on the basis of the documents submitted.  A pre-condition for being accepted is the completion of higher education studies (a Bachelor's/Master's degree). The point limit for accepting applicants is set by the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University.

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      Admission to Master's studies is conditioned by completed secondary education confirmed by a school-leaving certificate. Admission to Post-Bachelor studies (Master's programme) is likewise conditioned by completed education in any type of study programme.

      Verification method: other form
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: Until:
      Alternative date (of entrance exam):
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      Graduates will have the expertise to independently define and creatively solve complex theoretical or practical problems in the field of financial and international economics using selected theories, concepts and methods. The graduates will be eligible to undertake decisions in changing conditions on the financial markets and will possess the insight of the broader social and societal implications of financial and international economics.
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      Tuition [EUR] / per period: 6000 EUR / year