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    Branch programme/details

    English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective (0232VD30A481)

    Faculty: Faculty of Education
    Study programme: English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective (P0232D30A481)
    Form of study: combined
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Expected minimum number of accepted students Expected number of accepted students: 1
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2021
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      This study programme submitted for review aims to train professionals who can creatively apply their theoretical expertise in English studies within a broadly conceived context of education which spans all educational stages. The programme also fosters ingenuity and flexibility, thus producing erudite experts who can reassess the ever-changing needs of foreign language teaching and incorporate these into their methodology. Perhaps most importantly, the study programme submitted for review is a symbiosis between the major field of study (i.e. English philology, spanning linguistic and literary-cultural aspects) on the one hand, and didactics of English and applied didactics on the other.

      This is a program without specialization.

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      The admission process includes the compulsory impromptu oral examination, during which participants are required to introduce the committee with the studies so far, meaning mainly the master study completed and has to present their bachelor and master thesis. Applicants are required to also submit their CV in terms of their professional teaching career development in the scientific area related to the study programme, or the list of publications published by the applicant. Applicants have to prove their excellent knowledge of the English language (at least C2 level according to CEFR)and English language didactics. An essential part of the oral examination is the submission and introduction to the dissertation project which should include a general overview of the current state of the scientific subject matter, introduces the objectives and suggested methodology applied to the research goals and objectives related to the solution and concluding parts of the future dissertation. This project is then discussed during the entrance exam in front of the committee.

      Evaluation Criteria: The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 11.06.2021 Until: 11.06.2021
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 25.06.2021 Until: 25.06.2021
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      Absolvent je odborníkem – anglistou s hlubokými a komplexními odbornými znalostmi, který se orientuje v celé šíři oboru anglického jazyka a lingvistiky, anglofonní literatury a didaktiky anglického jazyka. Je též všestranně vědecko-metodologicky vybaven, je obeznámen s metodami a přístupy tradičními i moderními či interdisciplinárními, stejně jako s různými elektronickými zdroji a počítačovými nástroji. Má vhled do problematiky osvojování si cizího jazyka a chápe ji v mnoha relevantních souvislostech. Má vynikající praktické vědomosti o anglickém jazyce, literatuře a didaktice. Také se orientuje v problematice vzdělávání, teorie výuky a školského systému, a to na všech jeho stupních a rozumí potřebám a specifikám různých skupin studentů.