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    Branch programme/details

    Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology (0541TA170019)

    Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
    Study programme: Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology (N0541A170019)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: Master's (post-Bachelor)
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 2 years
    Application type: Online, Paper

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2020
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      Mathematical modeling is an interdisciplinary study programme that combines mathematical analysis, numerical mathematics and physics. The programme is designed in such a way that the students acquire specialised as well as general knowledge in all mentioned fields, and they are ready, if required by the problem they are studying, to deepen their knowledge by studying highly specialized scientific works. All students are required to attend lectures on continuum mechanics, mathematical analysis of partial differential equations and numerical mathematics with the objective to acquire the ability to design mathematical models of natural phenomena (especially in the field of mechanics and continuum thermodynamics), and analyze and implement numerical methods for computer simulations of the given phenomenon. After completing the compulsory courses the students focus more closely on either the physical aspects of mathematical modeling (design of mathematical models), the mathematical analysis of partial differential equations, or methods for numerical solution of these equations. Extensive experience with all aspects of mathematical modeling (model design, analysis, simulation) enables students to use the state-of-the-art knowledge from all aforementioned fields in solving complex problems in physics, technology, biology and medicine that are beyond the scope of particular specialised fields. Graduates of the study programme are ready to work in the academic as well as commercial institutions that rely on mathematical modelling and simulations in their study of natural phenomena.
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      ** Conditions for Admission**

      The goal of the admissions review process is to select from the pool of applicants those individuals who have shown the capability and diligence expected of Charles University students. To apply for our Computer Science or Mathematics Master's programmes given in English you must

      - hold or be working towards a Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma and provide a certified copy thereof;
      - have sufficient command of the English language; this can be demonstrated by providing your results in one of the standardized English tests that we recognize (see below for details).

      ** Bachelor’s or Master’s Diploma**

      Each applicant into a Master’s programme must deliver an officially authorized copy of a Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma, or a confirmation of a faculty or university concerning a successful completion of Bachelor’s or Master’s studies. This requirement does not apply to students and graduates of Bachelor’s or Master’s studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University.
      The applicants who graduated from a higher education institution abroad, must deliver one of the following documents in order to prove their previous education: a document about a general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic obtained according to § 89 and 90 of the higher education law of the Czech Republic (so called "nostrification"), or a foreign document about a foreign higher education if it is automatically recognized in the Czech Republic, according to its international agreements, without further official processing (diploma and diploma supplements from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia), or a foreign document about completing higher education which will be assessed by the faculty itself (no fee is being charged). Detailed information on how the condition of obtaining previous Bachelor’s or Master’s degree should be proven by the alumni of foreign higher education institutions, as well as additional information, may be found on faculty webpages, here: The officially authorized documents must be physically sent to the Study Office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics preferebly by June 30, 2020, and by September 30,2020 at the latest. If you do not deliver the document about a completed education, you will be neither accepted nor enrolled for Master’s studies.
      In addition to this, depending on the programme for which you are applying, you also must:

      - **Mathematics programmes:** - have sufficient academic background in the relevant fields (see below for details); this can be demonstrated by providing transcripts (academic records) of your previous education accompanied by syllabi of the completed courses.

      You are also welcome to accompany your application by:

      - a statement of purpose in which you describe your reasons for applying to the proposed programme, your study, and possibly also research interests and future career plans;
      - letters of recommendation as recent as possible from professors and employers who can comment on your recent professional accomplishments and your qualifications for pursuing a master’s degree in mathematics or computer science.

      **Academic background**

      In this paragraph we summarize the minimum knowledge required for applicants in the various study programmes and study branches offered at our faculty.

      **Master’s Degree in Mathematics**

      Common requirements: a sound background in linear algebra, real and complex analysis, measure theory, and probability theory.

      - Study programme Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology: common requirements + classical mechanics, functional analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations.

      Academic records demonstrating the necessary background must show the dates of enrolment and the subjects or courses taken, together with the units of credit or time allotted to each subject. These records must also include a complete description of the institution’s grading scale or other standard of evaluation. Unless academic records and diplomas are routinely issued in English by the institution concerned, the official records in their original language must be submitted with an authorized, complete, and exact English

      **English Language Proficiency**

      An applicant must have an adequate command of English in order to enroll on an English-taught programme at Charles University. Proficiency in English may be demonstrated by one of the standard language tests listed below; any language test results should not be older than two years. Students who have completed at least two years of their previous education with English as the sole language of instruction in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK, Republic of South Africa or USA are exempt from this requirement. Applicants who provide us with comparable qualifications demonstrating proficiency in English also meet our requirements.

      The table below lists the various tests of English that we recognize, and gives the minimum score that should be obtained.

      ** Test Minimum Score**

      TOEFL Paper/Computer/Internet based 550/213/80
      The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 6.5
      Cambridge ESOL FCE A level
      Cambridge ESOL CPE, or Cambridge ESOL CAE Passed
      City&Guilds International ESOL, or City&Guilds International Spoken ESOL Expert level
      The European Language Certificates Level TELC English C1
      UNIcert English for Mathematicians Level C1
      Melab 77
      Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) Pass
      Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) 605
      General State Language Examination in English in the Czech Republic Pass
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      Admission to Master's studies is conditioned by completed secondary education confirmed by a school-leaving certificate. Admission to Post-Bachelor studies (Master's programme) is likewise conditioned by completed education in any type of study programme.

      Verification method: other form
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: Until:
      Alternative date (of entrance exam):
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      The graduate has advanced theoretical knowledge of mathematical analytical and numerical methods applicable in the mathematical modeling of natural phenomena. In particular, he/she knows mathematical methods for the study of dynamical systems described by ordinary or partial differential equations, and he/she knows how to apply the methods in selected scientific disciplines. The graduate is able to design mathematical models for given natural/technical/social phenomena, analyse the basic mathematical properties of the proposed models, select the appropriate numerical method for their computer processing, and evaluate the benefits and limitations of the models in terms of their applicability in answering relevant practical questions.
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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 140000 CZK / year