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    General and faculty requirements

    Charles University

    (general AP conditions)

    Contact information

    Street:Ovocný trh 560/5
    Municipality:Praha 1
    Postcode:116 36
    University phone number:+420224491111

    General information

    Information on the university: Founded in 1348, Charles University is one of the world’s oldest universities. It is one of the most important educational and academic institutions in the Czech Republic and is acknowledged and respected in the European and global context. Its research and pedagogical performance as well as its unique historical traditions make it an important cultural institution.

    The university currently has 17 faculties (14 in Prague, 2 in Hradec Králové, and 1 in Plzen), 3 university institutes, 6 additional workplaces for educational, scientific, research, development, or other creative activities or for providing information services, 5 university-wide special-purpose facilities, and the Rectorate, providing the executive offices and management facilities of Charles University.

    A main priority of the university is academic and research activities, based on which its master’s and PhD programmes of study are offered. Approximately a third of the funds provided to universities in the Czech Republic is invested in the research performance of Charles University’s workplaces. The objective of Charles University is to profile itself as a research university, promoting its competitive capacity within the global university and research space.

    The university places considerable emphasis on international cooperation with prestigious educational and research institutions.

    In accordance with the valid legal regulations, Charles University is a public university, i.e. an autonomous scientific and educational institution. Charles University is headed by the Rector, and the highest self-governing academic body is the Academic Senate. Other bodies include the Research Board and the Bursar, and the Board of Trustees ensures the public-interest aspect of the activities of Charles University. The Rector’s advisory body is the Rector’s Board, composed of vice-rectors, the Bursar, and the Head of the Rector’s Office. The faculties, which are to a large extent independent, are headed by deans, and the other units are managed by directors.
    Information on the admission procedure: The official authorized version of the admission procedure terms for studying at the faculties of Charles University is available at the following address: Applicants can find here detailed information on the content of entrance exams, the evaluation criteria, and the terms for admission to the individual programmes of study.

    Charles University offers bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD programmes of study. These programmes may be pursued full-time, part-time (combined), or remotely. Any of these forms may be pursued simultaneously.

    Applicants apply for studies in a particular programme of study by properly completing an application form containing all requirements, together with any attachments specified in the admission procedure terms. The application may be submitted in electronic or paper form.

    Since the faculties of Charles University have different requirements relating to the form, formalities, and application attachments, you must always follow the instructions of the faculty offering the programme of study. Applications are submitted directly to the faculty that offers the applicant’s chosen programme (see contact addresses).

    If an applicant applies to more than one programme of study at Charles University or its faculty, a separate application must be submitted and the relevant fee must be paid for each such programme, unless otherwise specified by the faculty.

    Each applicant must comply with the terms set out in the Higher Education Act, the Code of Admission Procedures of Charles University, or other admission procedure terms issued by the faculty for a specific programme of study and subject area. The Code of Admission Procedures of Charles University is available at This internal regulation governs the specific details concerning admission procedures at Charles University, the option of taking an entrance examination on an alternative date, and the procedures for filing an appeal.

    Programmes of study at Charles University are also available for people with special educational needs (e.g. disabilities), unless otherwise stated in the information for a specific programme of study. If you have any questions regarding the accessibility of individual programmes of study, please contact the Carolina Centre ( or the contact person for students with special educational needs at the relevant faculty.

    Modifications to the entrance examinations are regulated by Rector’s directive no. 23/2017 – Standards of support to be provided at Charles University to students and applicants for study with special needs. The entrance exam can be modified only on the basis of a timely submitted application. Confirmation of a physician must be attached to the application. In general, the modified entrance examination should differ from the normal procedure only to the extent necessary, and the whole procedure must be in accordance with the Code of Admission Procedures of Charles University and related regulations.

    To expedite the processing of applications relating to the admission procedures, we recommend that applicants acquaint themselves with the competencies of the dean of the faculty and the rector of Charles University and always contact the university body that is responsible for the specific procedures. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, applicants are admitted by the dean of the faculty to which the applicant is applying. The dean of the faculty issues a decision on admission or non-admission, which is delivered to the applicant in person. If an application for admission is accepted, the decision may be delivered to the applicant via the electronic information system of the university, provided the applicant has agreed to this in advance in the application.
    The applicant has the opportunity to appeal against the decision of the dean of the faculty. The appeal is addressed to the rector of Charles University, but is submitted through the dean of the faculty within 30 days of the date of delivery of the decision.
    The dean may accept the appeal and amend the decision if the appeal is fully compliant. Otherwise, the dean forwards it to the rector for a decision. The dean may change the decision only if the decision was issued in violation of the law, the internal regulations of the university or a part thereof, or the admission terms set out in accordance with Section 49(1 and 3) of the Higher Education Act. The decision cannot be changed for any other reason.

    If the dean submits the appeal to the Rector for a decision, the Rector examines the compliance of the contested decision and the procedures that preceded the issuance of the decision with the legal regulations, the internal regulations, the internal regulations of the university and faculty, and the admission terms set by the faculty. If the rector does not discover any conflict with the above regulations, the rector will reject the appeal and confirm the original decision.

    In the appeal proceedings, it is not possible to take into account any grounds of appeal that relate, for example, to keen interest in studying in the specific programme, family traditions, excellent results in previous studies, experience in the area of study, language examinations, other examinations, etc. Circumstances concerning, for example, experience in the area of study can only be taken into account if this has been stipulated in the admission terms. The admission terms and the method of verifying admission are valid for decision-making during the entire admission procedures in a specific academic year, including appeal procedures, and cannot be changed during the admission procedures.
    During appeal procedures, applications for admission to other programmes of study (subject areas or combinations) for which the applicant has not submitted an application or requests for a change in the form of study or requests for a so-called “transfer” cannot be accepted. Transfers to another university or within Charles University are not possible.

    Current information on the admission procedures is provided by the student affairs office of the relevant faculty (for contacts, see the individual faculties). Information on studying and the admission procedures is also provided by CU POINT – Information, Counselling, and Social Centre (Celetná 13, 116 36 Prague 1, phone: 224 491 850, e-mail:, web pages: