Based on morphology and lexicology, it strengthens the knowlege of Russian word formation, mastering lexical-conversational topics (living, shopping, meals, post, phone, town, public transport, science, mass media, applied art) with profound concentration on lexical tasks, working with dictionaries. Complex development of speach skills stressing dialogue and monologue forms of oral expression.
Last update: Erudio ()
Based on morphology and lexicology, it strengthens the knowlege of Russian word formation, mastering lexical-conversational topics (living, shopping, meals, post, phone, town, public transport, science, mass media, applied art) with profound concentration on lexical tasks, working with dictionaries. Last update: ZOFKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (21.10.2008)
Skácel, J.; Mrhačová, E.; Ries, L.: Praktická cvičení z ruského jazyka. Praha, MON 1986, II. díl, část A, B. Kopeckij, L. V. a kol.: Orfografija, punktuacija i knižnopismennaja reč russkogo jazyka. Praha, SPN 1979. Žofková, H.: Cvičení a úlohy z ruského pravopisu. Praha, SPN 1990. Ruský denní tisk, aktuální materiály z internetu. Žofková, H.; Hříbková, R.; Pechtěrev, A.: Česko-ruská konverzace. Plzeň, Leda 2000. Last update: Erudio ()
Based on morphology and lexicology, it strengthens the knowlege of Russian word formation, mastering lexical-conversational topics (living, shopping, meals, post, phone, town, public transport, science, mass media, applied art) with profound concentration on lexical tasks, working with dictionaries. Complex development of speach skills stressing dialogue and monologue forms of oral expression. Last update: Šaroch Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)