Chapters from Contemporary German Grammar II - O02307026
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with individual areas of contemporary German those reflecting the current developments in German-speaking countries as well as various interesting topics, e.g. the influence of English on German, the influence of Czech on Austrian German, correctViennese names, German humor and jokes, German proverbs, language of the internet and netiquette, language of teenagers. In seminars, topics are presented in the form of seminar papers and there are further exercises relating to individual issues. The course also includes activities such as newspaper reading and song listening, followed by a comparison of the individual territorial variants of German (texts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
Last update: Erudio ()
ZIELINSKI , W.-D. ABC der deutschen Nebensätze. Ismaning Max Hueber Verlag 1981. ISBN 3-19-001340-3. RINAS, K. Interferenzfehler deutschsprechender Tschechen. 1. Teil: Negationsfehler. In Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik, R 6, Brno : Masarykova univerzita v Brně 2001. ISBN 80-210-2725-8. ISSN 1211-4979. RINAS, K. Interferenzfehler deutschsprechender Tschechen. 2. Teil: Verdeckte Fehler. In Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik, R 7, Brno : Masarykova univerzita v Brně 2001. ISBN 80-210-2936-6. ISSN 1211-4979. RINAS, K. Vorsicht - Fehler! Odstraňujeme nejčastější ?české" chyby v němčině. Plzeň : Fraus. 2003. ISBN 80-7238-228-4. Last update: Mikešová Monika (19.03.2007)
Požadavky: 70% účast na semináři, ústní prezentace, zápočtový a závěrečný test. Last update: MIKESOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (21.02.2008)