The exam tests the knowledge of two areas of early Christianity, namely selected characters of early Christianity and
partial problems. In both cases, emphasis is placed on the student’s extensive knowledge of the subtopic and on the
ability to contextualize the selected problem in the first four centuries of Christianity. The student can choose which
part of the exam is related to his or her subject of work and completed subjects. The exam also tests the student’s
ability to connect the selected topic to his or her professional research and its orientation in the broader context of
early Christianity. In both cases, in addition to knowledge of the topic, the student’s knowledge of classical and modern
research and the ability to critically reflect on different approaches to the study of the topic will be tested.
Topics on selected persons: Paul in the second century, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Eusebius
Problems of early Christianity: Development of rituals, Christology, canon.
Last update: Langer Marketa, ThDr., Ph.D. (09.03.2021)
Zkouška sestává z dvou kruhů otázek: 1. Postavy raného křesťanství 2. Problémy raného křesťanství
Látka vychází z prostudované zadané literatury. Zatímco jednotlivé semináře ke čtyřem tematickým celkům raného křesťanství se zaměřují na dílčí otázky, předmět „Rané křesťanství“ tematizuje osobnosti a problémy raného křesťanství v širších souvislostech. Student má povinnost předložit seznam nastudované odborné a pramenné literatury. Zkouška probíhá ústně. Last update: Langer Marketa, ThDr., Ph.D. (05.02.2021)
Last update: Langer Marketa, ThDr., Ph.D. (04.02.2021)