The course will deal with the formation of Czech positions for the negotiations in the EU. The instruction will be based on seminars with state administration practitioners who will discuss with students their personal experience with Czech EU policy-making in their respective areas.
Last update: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (08.02.2024)
Concept fo the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic, 2015, https://mzv.gov.cz/file/1574645/Concept_of_the_Czech_Republic_s_Foreign_Policy.pdf The Czech Strategy in the EU: An Active and Intelligible Czech Republic in a United Europe - summary, 2015, https://vlada.gov.cz/assets/media-centrum/aktualne/The-Czech-Strategy-in-the-EU---summary.pdf Bulmer, Simon, Lequesne, Christian (eds). The Member States of the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2005, chapters 1,2,3,13. Lorenz, Astrid, Formánková, Hana (eds). Czech Democracy in Crisis, Springer, 2020, chapters by Novotný, Weiss, and Beger. Last update: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (04.02.2024)
Lectures, including lectures by state officials and subsequent discussion. Chatham House rules. Last update: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (04.02.2024)
Seminar paper with the length of 3500 words (70 points). The paper should analyse the behaviour of Czechia in respect to a given file, programme or initiative and should cover all three phases of Czech participation, i.e., the formulation of Czech position, Czech behaviour during the negotiations, and the following implementation in Czechia. The paper should go beyond mere description and should attempt to explain the Czech behaviour with relation to the country's economic interests, political traditions, situation in the EU or coalition with other countries. Deadlines: - 19 April 2024 - propose a topic to the lecturers via email - 14 June 2024 - submission via Moodle (the pdf file must contain student's name) - 24 June 2024 - late submission (the paper will be accepted but 10 points will be deducted for the late submission) Papers submitted after 24 June will not be accepted. Submit papers via Moodle: TBA Active participation in the seminars (30 points). Students can miss one class without prior justification and one additional class with relevant justification (illness, serious personal reasons, attendance of extraordinary event related to the study programme). A higher number of missed classes can be the reason for failing the course, lower grade or additional course work. According to the Dean's provision, the teacher evaluates the student's performance in the percentages assigned to grades A to F:
More in Dean's Directive S_SO_002 Organization of examination dates, assessment of study, and the use of A–F grading scale at FSV UK. Last update: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (05.02.2024)
Preliminary structure
Last update: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (04.02.2024)
Students must have basic knowledge about EU law and institutions. Last update: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (08.02.2024)