ERASMUS - Module of Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine II. - CERA6P0055
Title: ERASMUS - Modul oborů vnitřního lékařství - Vnitřní lékařství - II.
Guaranteed by: Department of Internal Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-2INK)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2016
Semester: both
Points: 23
E-Credits: 23
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 0/520, C(+Ex) [HT]
Extent per academic year: 240 [hours]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Ivan Rychlík, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Petr Widimský, DrSc.
Classification: Medicine > Clinical Disciplines
Attributes: Modul oborů vnitřního lékařství
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Training in clinical internal medicine for students in 6th year. Training has a practical and a theoretical part. In the practical part, students participate in the routine medical care of the patient under the supervision of qualified physicians. The students are also obliged to take part in the patients admission and assist by some of the diagnostic and invasive procedures. During the rotating training scheme, students work at the admission of internal patients and at the departments of internal medicine (department of cardiology, pneumology, gastroenterology, hepatology, nefrology, diabetology and endocrinology, hematology and intensive care unit). In the seminars, held by senior teachers or professors, lectured subspecialties of internal medicine are discussed. Final state exam: multiple-choice test, practical and oral examination.
Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)
Aim of the course -

The aim of this course is summarization of basic diagnostical and therapeutical tools in internal medicine. The course exposes students to physician´s role by daily bedside activities. The objective is to expand student´s knowledge and clinical skills in internal medicine.

Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)
Literature -

Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medicine

Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)
Teaching methods -

In the academic year of 2012/2013 the study of internal medicine shall be conducted in the following manner:

Duration of study: 8 weeks

Entry in the internal medicine block preceding the state examination is subject to passing the internal medicine examination in the 5th year. Students who want to take an internship should arrive at the launch with their student´s book containing an entry confirming the examination pass.


The training preceding the state examination will take place in contractual hospitals. These are hospitals in Ostrov nad Ohří, Kadaň, Ústí nad Labem, Teplice, Chomutov, Most, Liberec, Mladá Boleslav, Mělník, Kolín, Brandýs nad labem, Nymburk, Čáslav and Tábor, in  the University Hospital of Královské Vinohrady or in other Prague hospitals. Students shall start this training following an introductory two-week block of seminars during which their training will be specified. Students will participate in the whole hospital operation including morning reporting at the relevant department. Students are expected to actively report on patients during ward rounds.


The obligatory seminars will always take place in the first two weeks through the internal medicine block according to the schedule so as to cover basic issues of internal medicine. The seminars will take place from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The seminar schedule is prepared before the seminars are launched. Students may ask either the Head of Department, Prof. Anděl, or the Head of 6th Year Studies, Ms Hoffmanová, for special seminars.

Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)
Requirements to the exam - Czech


Zápočet bude udělen před částí vnitřní lékařství SRZ vedoucím výuky nebo vedoucím katedry a bude zaznamenán i do výkazu fakulty (SIS). K zápočtu přinese stu­dent potvrzený výkaz o absolvované výuce.

Zápočet bude udělen při minimálně 80% účasti na seminářích a 100% potvrzení doved­nos­tí a praxe z nemocnice.

Potvrzení o účasti na jednotlivých formách výuky bude zaznamenáváno do zvláštního archu pod­pisem a jmenovkou učitele.

Nemoc je omluvena do 1 týdne vedoucím výuky, větší absence vedoucím KIO.


SRZ - část vnitřní lékařství se bude skládat:

a)   z praktické části - vyšetření nemocného a sestavení chorobopisu (přidělené exa­mi­ná­to­rům určí vedoucí výuky)

b)   z písemného testu mnohočetného výběru (termín konání určí vedoucí výuky)

c)   z ústní zkoušky (k ústní zkoušce je možné přistoupit pouze po absolvování testu i praktické části zkoušky). Otázky k ústní zkoušce jsou vyvěšeny na webových stránkách 3. LF UK. Ústní zkouška je komisionelní za přítomnosti examinátorů z 3. LF UK i dalších poz­va­ných odborníků z jiných lékařských fakult  či praxe.

Přihlašování ke zkoušce:

Student se přihlašuje elektronicky - do systému elektronického zápisu. Přihlašování k jednotlivým zkoušejícím není možné. Ke zkoušce je možné přistoupit se všemi splně­nými povinnostmi.

Odhlašování ze zkoušky:

Student se může odhlásit nejpozději 1 týden před termínem zkoušky v systému elektronického zápisu. Při odhlášení v době před zkouškou kratší než je týden je formou omluvy pouze potvrzení od lé­kaře. Pro ostatní vážné důvody je nutná omluva u vedoucího katedry.

Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)
Syllabus -

1. Haematology



Lymphoma and multiple myeloma


2. Revmatology

Rheumatoid arthritis. Seronegativ arthritis.

Systemic diseases of connective tissue

3. Gastroenterology

Disease of oesophagus

Peptic ulcer disease

Malabsorption syndromes and coeliac disease

Idiopathic Inflammatory bowel disease

Tumors of the liver and subhepatal region

Tumors of the digestive system

Abdominal ultrasound

4. Diabetology, endocrinology and nutrition

Diabetes mellitus of type 1 and 2

Acute and chronic complication of diabetes mellitus



Hyperlipidemia a atherosclerosis

Parenteral and enteral nutrition


5. Nephrology

Methods of investigation in nephrology

Haematuria, proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome

Acute, rapidly progressive and chronic glomerulonephritis

Tubulointersticial nephritis

Acute and chronic renal failure

6. Hepatology

Icterus, hepatitis, cirrhosis

Acute and chronic liver failure

7. Cardiology a angiology


Pulmonaly embolism

Coronary disease, myocardial infarction

Heart failure


Valvular heart disease

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Interventional angiology

8. Pneumology

Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)
Registration requirements


A credit is to be granted prior to the part of internal medicine of the SRE by the Head of Study or by the Head of Department and shall be entered into the faculty register (SIS). In order to be granted the credit, the student must bring a confirmed report on lessons taken.

The credit shall be granted on the condition that the student has at least 80% attendance at seminars and 100% confirmation of skills and training at a hospital. Attendance at individual forms of study shall be confirmed on a special sheet with the teacher´s signature and name tag.

In the event that a student is ill, they are excused by the Head of Study provided they are absent for no more than one week or by the KIO Head in the case of longer absences.


SRE - the internal part medicine is to consist of:

a)   a field part - examination of a patient and completion of their medical record (the Head of Study allocates students to examiners)

b)   a written multiple-choice test (the Head of Study determines the date of the test)

c)    an oral examination (only those who have taken the test and the field part of the examination may take the oral examination). Topics for the oral examination are posted up on the webpage of the Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. The oral examination is commissional with examiners of the Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University present as well as with other invited specialists from other medical faculties.

Registration for the examination:

Students shall register electronically - in the electronic enrolment system. It is not possible to register for individual examiners. The examination may only be taken after all student obligations have been fulfilled.

Cancellation of registration for an examination:

A student may cancel their registration in the electronic enrolment system one week before the date of the examination at the latest. If a student wants to cancel their registration less than one week before the examination, they must present a doctor´s confirmation of illness as an excuse. In the event of other serious reasons students must excuse themselves to the Head of Department.

Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (20.11.2012)