pathophysiology of insulin resistence in pregnancy,all types of diabetes and its influence on mother and fetus during pregnancy
special attention to type 1 DM and type 2 DM a gestational diabetes /GDM/ during pregnancy
diabetic child, consequences of diabetes for future life of mother and offspring of diabetic mother
Last update: MOJZISOVA (29.09.2008)
the aim of the lecturec is to inform the students about the importance of treating diabetes of all types during pregnancy, new approach to the the care of diabetic pregnancies ,information for praxis,information of pathophysiological backround of insulin resistence , the perinatological results of diabetic pregnancies Last update: MOJZISOVA (29.09.2008)
Pickup et al. Diabetes mellitus ( textbook of diabetes) Harrisons textbook of internal medicine Diabetes Care,Diabetes and Diabetologia -jornals available in faculty library - full texts older than 3 month Last update: MOJZISOVA (29.09.2008)
lectures, interactive seminairs,case report disscussion with documentation of patient Last update: MOJZISOVA (29.09.2008)
80% presence ,interest in the diabetology,basal knowledge in pathophysiology of pregnancy ,the same for diabetes Last update: MOJZISOVA (29.09.2008)
1.Pathophysiology and pathogenesis of insulin resistence - placental hormones 2.DMT1 and DMT2 in pregnancy 3.DMT1 and DMT2 in pregnancy 4. Gestaional diabetes 5.The offspring of diabetic mother , shortterm and longterm consequences for mother and child after diabetic pregnancy Last update: MOJZISOVA (29.09.2008)
základní znalosti o diabetu obecně , základní znalosti z péče o riziková těhotenství základní znalosti -co je inzulinová rezistence Last update: Andělová Kateřina, MUDr. (15.10.2008)