In this seminar we will explore writings of Sextus Empiricus. In the first half of it we will be focusing on the first book of the Outlines of Pyrrhonism, a sort of Sextus´ manifesto in which he attempts to describe the nature and the methods of the Pyrrhonic skepsis, to explain differences from other philosophical schools, to argue for the consistency of the Pyrrhonist position, etc. In the second half we will have a closer look at one example of Sextus´ philosophical work, namely at his discussion of the criterion of truth in the first book of Against Logicians: our main aim will be to explore and understand Sextus´ strategy in arguing against the possibility of finding a criterion of truth; at the same time we will try to comprehend Sextus´ unique testimony about the Stoic and the Epicurean epistemology that he wants to refute.
Last update: Roreitner Robert, Mgr. (26.01.2019)
Podmínkou udělení zápočtu je (kormě pravidelné přípravy a účasti) buď patronát nad jedním z úseků textu, nebo krátká písemná práce. Last update: Roreitner Robert, Mgr. (26.01.2019)
Sextos Empeirikos, Základy pyrrhonskej skepse, přel. J. Špaňár, Bratislava 1984. Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, trans. J. Annas, J. Barnes, Cambridge 2000. Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, trans. R. G. Bury, Cambridge (Mass.) 1933. Sextus Empiricus, Against the Logicians, trans. R. Bett, Cambridge 2006. Sextus Empiricus, Against the Logicians, trans. R. G. Bury, Cambridge (Mass.) 1935.
K. Algra, J. Barnes, J. Mansfeld, M. Schofield (eds.), The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Cambridge 1999. J. Annas, J. Barnes, The Modes of Scepticism, Cambridge 1985. A. Bailey, Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism, Oxford 2002. J. Barnes, The Toils of Scepticism, Cambridge 1990. R. Bett, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism, Cambridge 2010. J. Brunschwig, „Sextus Empiricus on the kritērion. The Skeptic as conceptual legatee“, in: J. Dillon and A. A. Long (eds.), The Question of ‘Eclecticism’, Berkeley/Los Angeles 1988, 145-175. M. Burnyeat, M. Frede (eds.), The Original Sceptics, Cambridge (Mass.) 1997. J. Hankinson, The Sceptics. The Arguments of the Philosophers, London – New York 1995. K. Janáček, Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis, Berlin – New York 2008. B. Morison, „Sextus Empiricus“, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/sextus-empiricus/) B. Morison, „The Logical Structure of the Sceptic´s Opposition“, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40 (2011), 265-285. W. Schwab, „Skepticism, Belief, and the Criterion of Truth“, Apeiron 46.3 (2013), 327-344. G. Striker, Essays on Hellenistic Epistemology, Cambridge 1996. H. Thorsrud, Ancient Scepticism, Stockfield 2009. K. Vogt, „Ancient Skepticism“, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/skepticism-ancient/) K. Vogt, „Appearances and Assent: Sceptical Belief Reconsidered“, The Classical Quarterly 62.2 (2012), 648-663 Last update: Roreitner Robert, Mgr. (18.02.2019)