SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Morphological Theory - AAA500178
Title: Morphological Theory
Guaranteed by: Department of the English Language and ELT Methodology (21-UAJD)
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Actual: from 2020
Semester: summer
Points: 0
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/2, C [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Is interchangeable with: AAA5E0154
Schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
The goal of the course is to provide a survey of the field of morphology, including the empirical and
typological domains that it covers, the various models that have been advocated, as well as how
morphology interacts with other modules of grammar, primarily syntax, phonology and the lexicon.
Emphasis is placed on introducing students to recent research and current debates on fundamental
issues such as the nature of the minimal sign, morphological structure and the nature of paradigms.
Grading is based on a written test at the end of the term.
Last update: Mudrová Andrea, Bc. et Bc. (13.01.2020)
Descriptors -

Topics covered:
• The basics: what evidence is there that words have inner structure?
• The notion of word: lexeme, grammatical word, phonological word, lexical item
• The types of morphological operations: affixation, fusion, reduplication, truncation,
compounding, conversion, cliticisation, suppletion, templatic morphology
• The functions of inflection: agreement, case assignment, the marking of valency, of
grammaticalised categories, of arbitrary classes
• Derivation and related issues: lexicalisation, blocking, analysability and productivity
• Root-, stem- and word-based morphology; the nature of paradigms
• Categories, structures and forms in morphological expression: markedness, levels of
• Morphological typology and the classical models: item and arrangement, item and process
• Morphemic vs. lexemic models: arguments for and against word and paradigm models
• The interaction between morphology and phonology: junctures, lexical phonology
• Types of morphological change: reanalysis, morphologisation, change of class, analogical
change, change in the system of categories

Last update: Mudrová Andrea, Bc. et Bc. (13.01.2020)
Literature -

Recommended readings:

Aikhenvald, Alexandra (2005) Evidentiality. Oxford: OUP

Anderson, Stephen R. (1992) A-morphous morphology. Cambridge: CUP

Anttila, Arto (1997), Deriving variation from grammar. In Hiskens, Frans L. et al. (eds), Variation, Change and Phonological Theory. Amsterdam – Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 35–68

Aronoff, Mark (1994) Morphology by Itself. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press

Audring, J., F. Masini (eds, 2017) The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: OUP

Babby, Leonard H. (1987) Case, Prequantifiers, and Discontinuous Agreement in Russian. Natural
Language and Linguistic Theory 5(1): 91–138

Bauer, Laurie (20032) Introducing Linguistic Morphology. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.

Bauer, Laurie (2004) Morphological Productivity. Cambridge: CUP

Blevins, James P. (2016) Word and Paradigm Morphology. Oxford: OUP

Campbell, Lyle (2004) Historical Linguistics: An intruduction. Edinburgh: EUP

Chomsky, Noam, Morris Halle (1968). The sound pattern of English. New York: Harper and Row

Clackson, James (2007) Indo-European Linguistics. An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP

Dixon, Robert M. W (1994) Ergativity. Cambridge: CUP

Goldsmith, John (1990) Autosegmental and metrical phonology. Oxford–Cambridge, MA: Blackwell

Hockett, Charles F (1987) Refurbishing our Foundations: Elementary Linguistics from an Advanced Point of View. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Keller, Rudi (20033[1990]) Sprachwandel. Tübingen–Basel: Francke

Klaiman, Miriam H. (1991) Grammatical Voice. Cambridge: CUP

de Lacy, Paul (2006), Markedness: Reduction and Preservation in Phonology. Cambridge: CUP

Lüdtke, Helmut (ed., 1980) Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlagen des Sprachwandels. Berlin–New York: Walter de Gruyter

Matthews, Peter H. (1974) Morphology: An Introduction to the Theory of Word Structure. Cambridge: CUP

Nevins, Andrew (2011) Phonologically conditioned allomorph selection. In: Van Oostendorp, Marc et al. (eds), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Malden, MA/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2357–2382.

Spencer, Andrew (1991) Morphological theory: an introduction to word structure in generative grammar. Oxford: Blackwell

Last update: Mudrová Andrea, Bc. et Bc. (13.01.2020)
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