A course in functional morphology focusing on the grammatical categories of the parts of speech. PROCEDURE The Winter Semester of the course in morphology concentrates on the grammatical categories of the noun and the verb. The English noun is described in terms of the categories of number, countability, definiteness, gender, and case. The presentation of the verb starts from the classification into auxiliaries, modals and full verbs. Modal verbs are treated from the viewpoint of deontic and epistemic modality. Full verbs are presented through the categories of person, number, tense, mood, and voice. In the Summer Semester the course in morphology concentrates on pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and the morphological aspects of prepositions and conjunctions. Pronouns are presented with respect to their form, functions and classification. Adjectives are treated from the morphological and the semantic points of view, and with respect to their relations to other word classes. A similar descriptive framework is applied to adverbs. The subject matter of the course is presented from a contrastive English-Czech point of view. MATERIAL Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny, Part I, Morphology R.Quirk, S.Greenbaum, A University Grammar of English, Chapters 2-6 or R.Quirk, S.Greenbaum, A Student's Grammar of the English Language, Chapters 3-7 G.Leech, Meaning and the English Verb Last update: UAAZNOJE (16.07.2007)
Basic: Dušková, L., Klégr, A., Malá, M., Šaldová, P. Morfologie sou?asné angli?tiny. Sbírka cvi?ení, p?íklad? a text? k morfologickému rozboru, Praha: Karolinum, 2007. Dušková, L. et al., Mluvnice sou?asné angli?tiny na pozadí ?eštiny, Praha: Academia, 2006. Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., A University Grammar of English, Harlow: Longman, 1996. Greenbaum, S., Quirk, R., A Student's Grammar of the English Language, Essex: Longman, 1990. Leech, G., Meaning and the English Verb, London: Longman, 2004.
Recommended: Biber, D. et al. Longman Grammar Spoken and Written English, Harlow: Longman, 1999. Carter, R., McCarthy, M. Cambridge Grammar of English, Cambridge: University Press, 2006. Dušková, L. Studies in the English Language, díl 1. Praha: Karolinum, 1999. Huddleston, R., Pullum, G.K. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, Cambridge: University Press, 2002. Quirk, R. et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, Harlow: Longman, 1985.
Last update: UAAMALAM (27.01.2009)
lecture and seminar Last update: UAAMALAM (27.01.2009)
Winter term
1. Morphology, its basic units, types of morphemes, morphological structure of the word, word classes. 2. Word calsses with distinc morphological structure, conversion, word classes distinguished by stress, vowel or consonant voicing alternation. 3. The categories of the English noun: number (regular and irregular formation, foreign plurals). Singularia and pluralia tantum. Semantic aspects of number. 4. The noun: countability 5. The noun: definiteness, types of reference. 6. The noun: definiteness. Proper nouns. Non-referential uses of nouns. 7. The noun: gender. Natural gender, grammatical means of expressing gender, personification. 8. The noun: case. Morphological devices. Syntactic functions. The semantic relations between the noun in adnominal case and the head noun. Analytical means of expressing case relations. 9. The grammatical categories of the English verb. Regular and irregular forms of the verb. 10. Syntactic classification of verbs (full, copular, auxiliary, modal verbs) 11. Multiple-wprd verbs (phrasal, prepositional phrasal-prepositional verbs) 12. Modal verbs - intrinsic (deontic) modality 13. Modal verbs - extrinsic (epistemic) modality
lSummer term 1. Syntactic and semantic characteristics of full verbs (transitivity, dynamic and stative verbs, telic and atelic verbs) The categories of the English verb: voice. Formation and functions of the passive. 2. The verb: mood. The verb forms and meaning of mood. 3. Non-finite verb forms - gerund, infinitive, participle. Forms and functions. Secondary predications. 4. The verb: tense - simple and progressive forms. Expressing the past and present. 5. The verb: tense. Expressing the past and anteriority. 6. The verb: tense. Expressing the future and posteriority. 7. Pronouns. Classes of pronouns. Personal pronouns: case, deictic, generic and snaphoric reference. 8. Possessive pronouns: determinative and independent, syntactic function, types of reference. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns. 9. Demonstrative pronouns. Relative pronouns. Interrogative pronouns. 10. Indefinite pronouns. Types of quantifiers. Types of reference. 11. The adjective. Gradability. Attributive and predicative adjectives. 12. The adverb. Morphological characteristics. Gradation. 13. Prepositions. Simple and complex prepositions. The semantics of prepositions. Conjunctions. Last update: UAAMALAM (27.01.2009)