Introduction to American Studies - AAA220070
Schedule Noticeboard
This is a practical course designed to improve and develop students' skills in writing for academic purposes. It aims to help students develop a critical awareness of their researching and writing processes. We will be exploring different writing styles and the uses of various rhetorical devices, writing and during the Semester will progress from basic report/review writing through to persuasive or argumentative writing. Particular attention will be paid to correct use and presentation of source materials, the composition of bibliographies and revision of draft papers. Students will be required to submit written homework on a regular basis. MATERIAL Writing, Reading, Research Velt & Clifford, Doing Research: The Complete Research Paper Guide Dorothy U. Seyler. ASSESSMENT Students will be expected to complete the homework assigned during the Semester and complete a final paper of 2500 words. Last update: UAAZNOJE (16.07.2007)
Tindall, George Brown and Shi, David E., America: a narrative history (New York, London: W.W. Norton & Co., 1993) Purvis, Thomas L., Encyklopedie dějin USA (Praha: Ivo Železný, 1999) LaFeber Walter, The American Age. United States Foreign Policy at Home and Abroad since 1750 (New York, London: W.W. Norton & Co., 1989) Johnson, Paul, Dějiny amerického národa (Praha: Academia, 2000) Last update: UAAZNOJE (27.05.2008)
přednáška + seminář Last update: UAAZNOJE (27.05.2008)