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Course, academic year 2023/2024
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English Literature 5: Medieval - AAA110150
Title: Anglická literatura 5: středověk
Guaranteed by: Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (21-UALK)
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:1/0, C [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (2)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Mgr. Helena Znojemská, Ph.D.
Is interchangeable with: AAA220150
Schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
1 Literature of the Middle Ages. Through a series of miniature textual analyses, this survey course seeks to explore the literature as a product of the medieval mind. The selected texts will be distributed in original with a glossary and, especially in case of Old English literature, in translation. During the reading, we will focus on the central issues of medieval literature: 1. the status of a (literary) text in Early and High Middle Ages; 2. the interaction of oral (native) and learned (Latinate) traditions; 3. the concept of genre; the developments of and interactions between genres; 4. the European context of medieval English literature.
Last update: UAAZNOJE (17.07.2006)
Literature - Czech

Základní literatura:

Béowulf, vydal a přeložil Jan Čermák, Praha: Torst, 2003

Burrow, J.A.W., Medieval Writers and Their Work: Middle English Literature and Its Background, 1100-1500, Oxford, 1982

Černý, Václav, Soustavný přehled obecných dějin literatury naší vzdělanosti, Díl I.: Středověk, Jinočany: H&H, 1996

Godden, Malcolm - Lapidge, Michael (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985

Greenfield, Stanley B. - Calder, Daniel G., A New Critical History of Old English Literature. With a Survey of the Anglo-Latin Background by M. Lapidge. New York and London: New York University Press, 1986

Pearsall, D. (ed.), Chaucer to Spenser. An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999

Treharne, E.M. (ed.), Old and Middle English. An Anthology, 2nd ed., Oxford: Blackwell, 2003

Ford, Boris (ed.), New Pelican Guide to English Literature: 1. Medieval Literature, vol. 1, 2, Penguin 1982

Doporučená literatura:

Bolton, W.F. (ed.), The Middle Ages, Sphere History of Literature, Vol. 1, 2nd, rev. ed., London 1986

Brown, Peter (ed.), A Companion to Medieval English Literature and Culture c. 1350-1500, Oxford: Blackwell 2007

Curtius, Robert Ernst, Evropská literatura a latinský středověk, Praha: Triáda 1998

Donoghue, Daniel, Old English Literature, Oxford: Blackwell, 2004

Le Goff, Jacques, Kultura středověké Evropy, Praha: Vyšehrad 2005

Pearsall, Derek, Old English and Middle English Poetry, London, 1977

Pulsiano, Phillip a Elaine Treharne (eds.), A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature, Oxford: Blackwell 2001

Swanton, Michael, English Literature before Chaucer, London and New York. Longman Literature in English Series, 1987

Whitelock, Dorothy (1952): The Beginnings of English Society, Penguin.

Last update: UAAZNOJE (27.05.2008)
Teaching methods - Czech


Last update: UAAZNOJE (27.05.2008)
Syllabus - Czech

1. Introduction.

2. "Swutol sang scopes": heroic poetry and the Anglo-Saxon culture before the conversion

The Battle of Finnsburh, Waldere A, Widsi? (selected passages)

3. Old tongues, new songs: the coming of Christianity

a) The Battle of Maldon, Beowulf, the Wanderer (selected passages)

b) Andreas (selected passages)

c) Caedmon's Hymn, Bede: Historia Ecclesiastica (selected passages)

4. Old English poetry: chronological and generic overview

a) religious poetry: Christ I, II, Juliana (selected passages)

b) miscellany: Deor, Riddle 35, Wulf and Eadwacer, Charm Against a Sudden Stitch

5. Old English prose: development

The Laws of Wihtred, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Alfred: Preface to Pastoral Care, Aelfric: Life of St. Oswald, Wulfstan: Sermo Lupi ad Anglos

6. From Old English to Middle English literature

The Dream of the Rood, Ancrene Wisse (selected passages)

7. Middle English lyrics

The European context. Popular, courtly and religious varieties

8. "Courtly literature": romances

The European context. Expanding the limits of the genre

King Horn, The Weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragnell, Chaucer: The Tale of Sir Thopas, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (selected passages)

9. Middle English literature: chronological and generic overview

Chaucer: Franklin's Tale, Miller's Tale; Dame Sirith; The Fox and the Wolf (selected passages)

Last update: UAAZNOJE (27.05.2008)
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