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Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterMax. number of students:Taught:Language of instruction:Only for PhD students:Belongs to the student thesis type:Guarantor(s)Hours per week, examinationClasses per academic year (extra):E-CreditsDepartmentFacultyCyclical teachingVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail MC260C01M Exercises of Physical Chemistry I winter taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C02M Exercises of Physical Chemistry II summer taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C30 Advanced Practical Class in Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Pavel Matějíček, Ph.D. summer s.:0/4, C [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C30A Advanced Practical Class in Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry summer taught English no prof. RNDr. Pavel Matějíček, Ph.D. summer s.:0/4, C [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C45N Practical Course in Physical Chemistry winter taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. winter s.:0/4, C [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C46 Practical Course in Physical Chemistry (b) both taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. 0/2, C [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C47 Practical Course in Physical Chemistry both taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. 0/4, C [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C59 Introduction to computational chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Jiří Vondrášek, CSc. winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260C66 Chemistry Laboratory summer taught English no prof. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc. summer s.:0/4, C [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP1A Diploma project A winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/6, C [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP1B Diploma project summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/10, C [HT] 10 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP1F Diploma project A winter taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/6, C [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP1L Diploma project B summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/12, C [HT] 12 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP1M Diploma Project 1 winter taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/9, C [HT] 9 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP1Z Diploma project winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/5, C [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2A Diploma project winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/18, C [HT] 22 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2B Diploma project summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/26, C [HT] 28 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2F Diploma project B summer taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/12, C [HT] 12 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2L Diploma project (FCH) summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/26, C [HT] 26 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2LB Diploma project D summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/26, C [HT] 28 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2M Diploma Project 2 summer taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/10, C [HT] 10 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2Z Diploma project winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/18, C [HT] 18 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP2ZB Diploma project C winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/18, C [HT] 22 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP3F Diploma project C winter taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/18, C [HT] 22 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP3M Diploma Project 3 winter taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/24, C [HT] 24 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP4A Diploma project winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/6, C [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP4B Diploma project summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/12, C [HT] 12 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP4F Diploma project D summer taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/26, C [HT] 28 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP4M Diploma Project 4 summer taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/26, C [HT] 26 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP5A Diploma project winter not taught Czech no diploma thesis winter s.:0/18, C [HT] 23 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP5B Diploma project summer not taught Czech no diploma thesis summer s.:0/26, C [HT] 30 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP6A Bachelor’s Project I - Chemistry winter not taught English no Bachelor's thesis prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:0/3, C [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP6B Bachelor’s Project II - Chemistry summer not taught English no Bachelor's thesis prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:0/12, C [HT] 12 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP7A Bachelor´s Project I - Biology winter not taught English no Bachelor's thesis prof. RNDr. Jan Černý, Ph.D. winter s.:0/3, C [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260DP7B Bachelor´s Project II - Biology summer not taught English no Bachelor's thesis prof. RNDr. Jan Černý, Ph.D. summer s.:0/12, C [HT] 12 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P01C Physical chemistry I (c) winter taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P01M Physical Chemistry I (b) winter taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P02C Physical chemistry II (c) summer taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P02M Physical Chemistry II (b) summer taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P04 Computer as a Tool in Theoretical Chemistry summer taught Czech no prof. Jiří Pittner, DSc., Dr. rer. nat. summer s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P05 Photochemistry and electron spectroscopy winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P07 Electromigration separation processes winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Bohuslav Gaš, CSc. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P08 Molecular Symmetry summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P09 Chemical structure summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. summer s.:4/2, C+Ex [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P10 Physical Chemistry III (Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy) winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P100 Protein physics summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Jiří Vondrášek, CSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P103 Electron Microscopy and Microscopy SPM/AFM winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Miroslav Šlouf, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P107 Techniques of NMR spectroscopy summer taught Czech no RNDr. Zdeněk Tošner, Ph.D. summer s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P109 Analytical gradients technics in quantum chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. Jiří Pittner, DSc., Dr. rer. nat. winter s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P111 Nanochemistry summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Pavel Matějíček, Ph.D. summer s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P112 Physical Chemistry I (a) winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Peter Košovan, Ph.D. winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P113 Physical Chemistry II (a) summer taught Czech no Ing. Jan Přech, Ph.D. summer s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P115 Introduction to Matlab winter taught Czech no Mgr. Miroslav Rubeš, Ph.D. winter s.:1/2, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P117 Methods and applications in computational cell biology and biophysics summer taught English no prof. Mgr. Pavel Jungwirth, CSc., DSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P118 Physical chemistry and chemical physics for PhD students winter not taught English no dissertation prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. winter s.:2/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
0 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P119 General chemistry winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Jan Sedláček, Dr. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P120 Physics II winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Marek Procházka, Ph.D. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P121 Macromolecular Chemistry summer taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Jan Sedláček, Dr. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P122 Chemical Structure summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:3/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P123 Physical chemistry for geologists winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Bohuslav Gaš, CSc. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P124 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Pavel Matějíček, Ph.D. summer s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P125 NMP Spectroscopy of condensed state winter taught Czech no Ing. Jiří Brus, Dr. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P126 Polymer Physics and rheology summer taught Czech no Ing. Adam Strachota, Ph.D. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P127 Scattering and microscopy methods summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P127A Scattering and Microscopy Methods summer not taught English no prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P128 Spectroscopic methods summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P128A Spectroscopic methods - A summer taught English no prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P129 Physical Chemistry IV (Statistical Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation) winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Peter Košovan, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P130 Quantum chemistry applications - materials properties and materials design summer taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Lukáš Grajciar, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P131 Quantum chemistry applications - chemical Reactions in Condensed Phase and Enzymes summer taught Czech no prof. Mgr. Lubomír Rulíšek, DSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P132 Physical Chemistry for International Students I summer taught English no Michal Mazur, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P133 Physical Chemistry for International Students II winter taught English no doc. Mariya Shamzhy, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P134 Chromatography and mass spectrometry of polymer materials winter taught Czech no RNDr. Olga Kočková, Ph.D. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P135 Methods based on fluorescence of single molecules summer taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Radek Šachl, Ph.D. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P136 Digital-age tools for research winter not taught English no prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. winter s.:1/0, Ex [HT] 2 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P137 Fundamental of Catalysis winter taught Czech no prof. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc. winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P138 Catalysis in Practice summer taught Czech no doc. Maksym Opanasenko, CSc. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P139 Chemical Principles winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P142 Polymer synthesis winter taught Czech no RNDr. Ondřej Sedláček, Ph.D. winter s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P143 Scanning probe microscopy and on-surface chemistry summer taught Czech no doc. Ing. Pavel Jelínek, Ph.D. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P144 Chemical principles winter taught English no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P145 Chemical transformations summer taught English no RNDr. Ondřej Sedláček, Ph.D. summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P146 Theoretical Methods in Chemistry winter taught English no Christopher James Heard, Ph.D. winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P147 Experimental Methods in Chemistry summer taught English no prof. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc. summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P148 Programming summer taught English no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P149 Python: solving mathematical and physico-chemical problems summer taught English no doc. RNDr. Miroslav Šlouf, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P15 Polymer Physics summer taught English no prof. RNDr. Jiří Vohlídal, CSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P150 Numerical data treatment for chemists summer taught Czech no Ing. Lucie Nová, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 2 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P151 Transmission electron microscopy methods for materials science summer taught English no Michal Mazur, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P153 Modeling acid-base equilibria in macromolecular and colloidal solutions summer taught English no doc. RNDr. Peter Košovan, Ph.D. summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 2 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P20 Functional Polymers summer taught Czech no RNDr. Jiří Pfleger, CSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P21 Chemical Principles of Industrial Chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc. winter s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P24 Physics summer taught Czech no doc. Ing. Zuzana Limpouchová, CSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P25 Computer programming fundamentals I winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P26 Computer programming fundamentals II summer not taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P31 Theoretical Basis of Modern Spectroscopic Methods winter taught Czech no prof. doc. RNDr. Petr Bouř, CSc. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P33 General chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Karel Procházka, DrSc. winter s.:3/3, C+Ex [HT] 7 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P34 Physics I summer taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Miroslav Cieslar, CSc. summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P35N Physics II winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Marek Procházka, Ph.D. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P37 Macromolecular Chemistry summer taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Jan Sedláček, Dr. summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P44 Biophysical chemistry I winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Tomáš Obšil, Ph.D. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P45 Biophysical chemistry II - experimental methods summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Tomáš Obšil, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P45A Biophysical chemistry II - experimental methods - A summer taught English no prof. RNDr. Tomáš Obšil, Ph.D. summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P46 Biomacromolecular Chemistry summer taught Czech no prof. Mgr. Martin Hrubý, Ph.D., DSc. summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P47 Density functional and density matrix functional theory in quantum chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. Jiří Pittner, DSc., Dr. rer. nat. winter s.:3/1, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 yes no no
detail MC260P49 Repetitorium of Physics II winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Juraj Dian, CSc. winter s.:2/0, --- [HT] 0 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P51 Environmental Chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Eva Tesařová, CSc., doc. RNDr. Květa Kalíková, Ph.D. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P52 Physical Chemistry summer taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Tomáš Obšil, Ph.D. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P54 General Chemistry winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Jan Sedláček, Dr. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P57 Second quantization, diagrammatic technique, perturbation and coupled cluster theory winter taught Czech no prof. Jiří Pittner, DSc., Dr. rer. nat. winter s.:3/1, C+Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 yes no no
detail MC260P59 Quantum Chemistry winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Lukáš Grajciar, Ph.D. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P62 Numerical and algorithmical methods in quantum chemistry winter taught Czech no prof. Jiří Pittner, DSc., Dr. rer. nat. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P63 Symmetric and unitary group theory and the configuration interaction method winter taught Czech no prof. Jiří Pittner, DSc., Dr. rer. nat. winter s.:3/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P65 General and Physical Chemistry summer taught Czech no RNDr. Kateřina Ušelová, Ph.D. summer s.:3/3, C+Ex [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P73 Management in Chemistry summer not taught Czech no RNDr. Dr. Michal Svoboda, CSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P78 Macromolecular Chemistry II winter taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Jan Sedláček, Dr. winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 6 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P79 Methods of molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo winter taught Czech no prof. Mgr. Pavel Jungwirth, CSc., DSc. winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P82 Electronic Structure of Complex Molecular Systems and Biomolecules winter taught English no Christopher James Heard, Ph.D. winter s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P85 Fluoroscence spectroscopy in biological research winter taught Czech no prof. Martin Hof, Ph.D., DSc. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P87 Computer Simulations of Chemical Reactions and Enzyme Catalysis winter taught Czech no prof. Mgr. Lubomír Rulíšek, DSc. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P89 Matlab Programming winter taught Czech no RNDr. Ota Bludský, CSc. winter s.:1/2, Ex [HT] 5 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P90 Zeolites and Molecular Sieves winter taught Czech no prof. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc., doc. Maksym Opanasenko, CSc. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P91 Advanced methods of molecular dynamics winter taught Czech no prof. Mgr. Pavel Jungwirth, CSc., DSc. winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P96 Structure and Dynamics of DNA and RNA summer not taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Jiří Šponer, DrSc. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260P98 Molecular and Biomolecular Interactions summer not taught Czech no doc. RNDr. Jan Řezáč, Ph.D. summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S46A Seminar winter taught Czech no prof. Ing. Jiří Čejka, DrSc., Ing. Jan Přech, Ph.D. winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S46B Seminar B summer taught Czech no diploma thesis prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S46C Seminary C winter taught Czech no diploma thesis prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S58 Siminar meeting - Complex molecular structures winter not taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S59 Siminar meeting - Complex molecular structures summer not taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S60 Siminar meeting - Complex molecular structures winter not taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S61 Siminar meeting - Complex molecular structures summer not taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Petr Nachtigall, Ph.D. summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S62 Seminar I winter taught English no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S63 Seminar IV summer taught English no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S64 Seminar V winter not taught English no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260S65 Seminar VI summer not taught English no prof. RNDr. Filip Uhlík, Ph.D. summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 1 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260T28 Professional practical training summer not taught Czech no summer s.:0/2, C [TS] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC260T29 Short-term internship abroad winter taught Czech no prof. RNDr. Miroslav Štěpánek, Ph.D. winter s.:0/0, C [TS] 2 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC280P84 Scientific Oral Presentations both taught English no Carlos Henrique Vieira Melo, Ph.D. 1/1, C+Ex [HT] 3 31-260 11310 no no no
detail MC280P85 Scientific Writing both taught English no Carlos Henrique Vieira Melo, Ph.D. 2/2, C+Ex [HT] 4 31-260 11310 no no no
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