SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterParent course supplying teachingHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail RDIK0101 Theology of Diaconia winter winter s.:12/0, C [HS]
summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK0202 Human Rights and Civil Society winter winter s.:0/10, Ex [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK0301 Organisation and Management from a Value Perspective 1 winter winter s.:10/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK0302 Organisation and Management from a Value Perspective 2 winter winter s.:0/10, MC [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK0701 Psychosocial Crisis Work and Developmental Help 1 summer summer s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK0702 Psychosocial Crisis Work and Developmental Help 2 summer summer s.:0/12, MC [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK0800 Practical Training to Support Interdisciplinary Awareness winter winter s.:0/10, --- [HS]
summer s.:0/20, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK1001 Poimenics winter winter s.:8/0, --- [HS]
summer s.:8/0, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK1205 Christian Churches in the Czech Republic winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK1501 Communication Tools for Human Development winter winter s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDIK1601 Rituals: Theory and Practice winter winter s.:5/5, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDP06 Partial Doctoral Exam (Practical Theology) both 0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDS06 Doctoral Seminary (Practical Theology) both 0/2, MC [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RDZ06 State Doctoral Examination in Practical Theology both 0/0, STEX [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETD6001 Bringing the Bible into Dialogue winter winter s.:0/50, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETD6003 Practical Knowledge of Ecumenism summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN6011 Practical Theology Seminar 1 summer summer s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN6021 Practical Theology Seminar - Homiletics winter winter s.:0/12, C [HS]
summer s.:0/12, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN6032 Practical Theology - Homiletics winter winter s.:12/0, --- [HS]
summer s.:12/0, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN6041 Practical Theology - Liturgics winter winter s.:12/0, --- [HS]
summer s.:12/0, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN60413 Practical knowledge of churches winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN6100 Practical Theology - First Comprehensive Examination both 0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETKN6200 Practical Theology - Second Comprehensive Examination both RETK6200 0/0, Ex [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETK6006 Ecumenics - Christendom winter RETKN60413 winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETK6008 Liturgy winter RETKN6041 winter s.:4/0, --- [HS]
summer s.:4/0, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETK6011 Practical Theology Seminar 1 summer RETKN6011 summer s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETK6021 Practical Theology Seminar - Homiletics winter RETKN6021 winter s.:0/12, --- [HS]
summer s.:0/12, C [HS]
27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETK6100 Practical Theology - First Comprehensive Examination both 0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETK6200 Practical Theology - Second Comprehensive Examination summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6011 Practical Theology Seminar 1 winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6024 Practical Theology Seminar - Catechetics summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6033 Practical Theology - Catechetics summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6034 Practical Theology - Ocassional Services winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN60413 Practical Knowledge of Churches winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN60415 Practical Knowledge of Ecumenism summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN60417 The Poetics and Pragmatics of Blessing summer RETN1042 summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6042 Practical Theology - Poimenics summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6100 Practical Theology - First Comprehensive Examination both 0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RETN6200 Practical Theology - Second Comprehensive Examination both RET6200 0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6012 Practical Theology Seminar 1 winter RETN6011 winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6021 Practical Theology Seminar - Homiletics summer RETN6021 summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6024 Practical Theology Seminar - Catechetics winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6033 Catechetics winter RETN6033 winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET60413 Practical Knowledge of Churches winter RETN60413 winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET60415 Practical Knowledge of Ecumenism summer RETN60415 summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6042 Practical Theology - Poimenics winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6046 Ocassional Services winter RETN6034 winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6064 Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6100 Practical Theology - First Comprehensive Examination both 0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RET6200 Practical Theology - Second Comprehensive Examination summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RL034 Seminar - Liturgics summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RL035 Seminar - Ecumenical eclesiology summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPKN243 Theoretical Basic of the Pastoral Care summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPKN244 Themes of Pastoral Care summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPKN342 Pastoral Care of tharget Groups and Methods winter RPK342 winter s.:5/5, MC [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPK243 Themes of Pastoral Care winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPK244 Methods of Pastoral Care summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPK342 Pastoral care of target groups winter winter s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPK431 Pastoral Care in Practice 1 winter winter s.:0/5, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPK461 Pastoral Practice 2 summer summer s.:0/5, C [HS] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPN243 Theoretical Basis of the Pastoral Care summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPN244 Themes of Pastoral Care winter RP243 winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RPN342 Pastoral Care of Target Groups and Methods winter RP342 winter s.:1/1, MC [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RP243 Themes of Pastoral Care winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RP244 Methods of Pastoral Care summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RP342 Pastoral care of target groups winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RP431 Pastoral Care in Practice 1 winter RPK431 winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RP461 Pastoral Care in Practice 2 summer RPK461 summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
detail RZSZETB6 Practical Theology both 0/0, STEX [HT] 27-PT 11270 no no
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