SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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CodeSchoolDepartmentnumber of available courses
detail 21-FF AX Faculty of Arts 14
detail 21-KDV AUK Departement of Theatre Studies 72
detail 21-KSI AFG Department of Sinology 110
detail 21-KSOC ASG Department of Sociology 152
detail 21-UAS AFG Institute of Asian Studies 298
detail 21-UISK AIS Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship 150
detail 21-ULING AFG Institute of Linguistics 99
detail 21-JCI ASZ Language Centre - Italian 6
detail 21-KBV AFG Department of Middle Eastern Studies 172
detail 21-KSOCP ASP Department of Social Work 98
detail 21-SIAS AFG Centre for Ibero-American Studies 106
detail 21-URLS AFG Institute for Greek and Latin Studies 247
detail 21-ZO AX International Office 226
detail 21-FU AFG Institute of Phonetics 109
detail 21-JCS ASZ Language Centre - Spanish 16
detail 21-KTV ASZ Department of Physical Education 44
detail 21-UDU AUK Institute of Art History 192
detail 21-UFAR AFS Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies 260
detail 21-UHV AUK Institute of Musicology 154
detail 21-UISKNM AIS Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media Studies 43
detail 21-UKAR AHS Institute for Classical Archeology 121
detail 21-URS AFG Institute of Romance Studies 403
detail 21-USPV AFG Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies 37
detail 21-CEGU AHS Czech Institute of Egyptology 71
detail 21-JCR ASZ Language Centre - Russian 17
detail 21-KPED APD Department of Education 291
detail 21-KPVHAS AHS Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies 219
detail 21-UCD AHS Institute of Czech History 263
detail 21-UCJTK AFG Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication 220
detail 21-UCNK AX Institute of the Czech National Corpus 45
detail 21-UHSD AHS Institute of Economic and Social History 257
detail 21-VOSIS AIS Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship - VOŠIS 1
detail 21-JCA ASZ Language Centre - English 20
detail 21-JCF ASZ Language Centre - French 16
detail 21-KLOG ALG Department of Logic 77
detail 21-UAJD AAA Department of the English Language and ELT Methodology 162
detail 21-UALK AAA Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures 292
detail 21-DEK AX Deans Office 1245
detail 21-JCN ASZ Language Centre - German 22
detail 21-KPS APS Department of Psychology 355
detail 21-UESEBS AFG Department of Ethnology and Central European and Balkan Studies 534
detail 21-UGS AFG Institute of Germanic Studies 386
detail 21-UPOL APO Institute of Political Science 113
detail 21-USD AHS Institute of General History 191
detail 21-CKOM AFG Centrum komparatistiky 1
detail 21-JCL ASZ Language Centre - Latin 18
detail 21-KANPR APD Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management 83
detail 21-KEST AUK Department of Aestetics 65
detail 21-KFS AUK Film Studies Department 106
detail 21-UBN AFG Institute of Czech and Deaf Studies 207
detail 21-UCLK AFG Department of Czech and Comparative Literature 250
detail 21-UTRL APT Institute of Translation Studies 527
detail 21-UVES AFG Institute of East European Studies 278
detail 21-UAA AAA Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky 8
detail 21-UPRAV AHS Institute of Archaeology 149
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