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Teachers, academic year 2024/2025
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Mgr. David Janda, Ph.D.
Additional information:
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Courses   Schedule   Opinion survey results   Noticeboard   
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail OKNM3M025A Mathematics education 2a summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OCRM20UM18 Mathematics education 2a summer summer s.:0/15, Ex [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OCRM20UM05 ICT in the teaching of mathematics summer summer s.:0/10, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM4M103C Complex numbers summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM3M025A Complex numbers summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM3M025A Complex numbers summer summer s.:1/2, Ex [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM1M111A Complex numbers summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM3M026A LaTeX summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM3M026A LaTeX summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OCRM20UM17 Observation practice winter winter s.:0/5, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPNM3M013A Observation teaching practice with reflection winter winter s.:0/2, C [HS] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKNM3M013A Observation teaching practice with reflection winter winter s.:0/0, C [HS] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPNM4M013A Observation teaching practice with reflection winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM4M041A Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM3M041A Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM4M041A Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM3M041A Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM4M042A Assistance teaching practice with reflection both 0/0, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM4M042A Assistance teaching practice with reflection both 0/1, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM3M042A Assistance teaching practice with reflection both 0/0, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM3M042A Assistance teaching practice with reflection both 0/2, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPNM4M023A Teaching practice at the primary school with reflection summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPNM4M105C School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2a winter winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPNM3M034A School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2a winter winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKNM3M034A School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2a winter winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM3M011A Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers winter winter s.:1/2, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OCRM20UM01 Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers winter winter s.:0/14, Ex [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM3M011A Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers winter winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OPBM4M011A Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers winter winter s.:1/2, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
detail OKBM4M011A Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers winter winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KMDM PedF no no
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