| | |  |
|  Code |  Title |  Semester | Hours per week, examination | Department | Faculty | Virtual mobility | Capacity | 4EU+ |
OCRO17OV12 |
Anthroplogy (Cultural and Social) R I |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, other [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRO17OV18 |
Anhroplogy (Cultural and Social) R II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNQ3P041A |
Anthropological Dimension of Education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, CT [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNO1O101A |
Human Being in History of Thought |
winter |
winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCDC23SS38 |
Didactics of Civic Education, Social Sciences and Philosophy |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRO17OV21 |
Methodolgy of Teaching Social Sciences R II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRO17OV15 |
Methodology of Teaching Social Sciences R I |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, other [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNQ4P012A |
Didactics of Educational Sciences I |
winter |
winter s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNQ4P012A |
Didactics of educational sciences I |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNQ4P022A |
Didactics of Educational Sciences II |
summer |
summer s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNQ4P022A |
Didactics of pedagogical sciences II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNQ3P025A |
Didactics of pedagogical sciences II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNQ4P032A |
Didactics of Educational Sciences III |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNQ4P032A |
Didactics of Educational Sciences III |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNU1U117A |
Ethics in Education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KAMV |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNU1U117A |
Ethics in Education |
summer |
summer s.:2/0, C [HT] |
41-KAMV |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS18UC02 |
Philosophy II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS18UC01 |
Philosophy I |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCDS18SS01 |
Philosophy of Education |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRO17OV16 |
Diploma thesis consultation R I |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, other [HT] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCDP21VY11 |
Methodology of Leisure Activities |
both |
0/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBQ4P052B |
Multicultural Education |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, MC [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBQ4P052B |
Multicultural Education |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNZ1P003A |
Pedagogical and Psychological Practice with Reflection |
both |
0/1, C [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBV3P014A |
Professional ethics |
winter |
winter s.:8/0, C [HS] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBO3P014A |
Professional ethics |
winter |
winter s.:8/0, C [HS] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBO3P057A |
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis |
summer |
summer s.:12/0, C [HS] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBQ4P061B |
Seminar for Social Education and Personality Development |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBQ4P061B |
Seminar on personal and social education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCDC23SS16 |
Introduction to the Didactics of Civic Education, Social Sciences and Philosophy |
both |
0/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBO3P011A |
Introduction to study |
winter |
winter s.:4/0, C [HS] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNU1U101A |
Introduction to Study |
winter |
winter s.:2/0, C [HT] |
41-KAMV |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNU1U101A |
Introduction to Study |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KAMV |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRO17OV01 |
Introduction to Studies R I |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, other [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRO17OV06 |
Introduction to Studies R II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, other [HS] |
41-KOVF |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNZ1P009B |
Selected personalities of pedagogical thinking |
winter |
winter s.:5/0, C [HS] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNZ1P009B |
Selected Representants of Educational Thinking |
winter |
winter s.:0/1, C [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBQ4P041A |
Introduction to Didactics of Pedagogy I |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBQ4P041A |
Foundations of Didactics of Educational Sciences I |
summer |
summer s.:0/1, C [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBQ4P051A |
Foundations of Didactics of Educational Sciences II |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, MC [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBQ4P051A |
Introduction to Didactics of Pedagogy II |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] |
41-KPG |
PedF |
no |
no |