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Teachers, academic year 2024/2025
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PhDr. Lenka Rozboudová, Ph.D.
Additional information:
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Phone: 221900752
Courses   Schedule   Opinion survey results   Noticeboard   
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail OPND1R140B Foreign Language - Russian Language summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OKND1R140B Foreign Language - Russian Language summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OKBZ1R016B Foreign language for Teachers - Russian Language winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR17RJ15 Russian Language Didactics I both 4/4, C [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR17RJ20 Russian Language Didactics II both 8/5, C [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR17RJ23 Russian Language Didactics III winter winter s.:8/5, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR20RJ16 Practical Language and Culture Studies IV both 0/10, Ex [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R023A Practical Russian Language and Culture II summer summer s.:0/2, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R022A Russian Lexicology winter winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR20RJ19 Lexicology of the Russian Language both 12/8, C [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR23RJ08 Lexicology of the Russian Language winter winter s.:10/15, Ex [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR17RJ22 Lexicology of Russian Language II both 8/5, C+Ex [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OENRR1723T Methodology of Russian Language 1 winter winter s.:1/2, Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OENRR1724T Methodology of Russian Language 2 summer summer s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R013A Russian Language Observation Practice winter winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R041A Methodology of Russian Language I summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R051A Methodology of Russian Language II winter winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R012A Methodology of Russian Language 1 winter winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R022A Methodology of Russian Language 2 summer summer s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R042A Assistance Teaching Practice in Russian Language summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R061A Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis summer summer s.:0/0, C [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R042A Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis summer summer s.:0/0, C [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPBR4R053A Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R024A Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R033A Coherent Russian Language Teaching Practice at High School winter winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OPNR4R023A Coherent Russian Language Teaching Practice at Elementary School summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCRR17RJ25 Stylistics and Norms of the Russian Language both 12/6, C [HS] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OCDC24SS01 Introduction into the Didactics of Foreign Languages both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-CCV PedF no no
detail OPBR4R011A Introduction to the Study of Russian Language and Literature winter winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 41-KRL PedF no no
detail OKNC3C012A Selected Problems of Contrastive Linguistics and Psycholinguistics winter winter s.:10/0, Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
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