SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Teachers, academic year 2024/2025
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PaedDr. Jaroslava Zemková, Ph.D.
Additional information:
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Phone: 221900274
Courses   Schedule   Opinion survey results   Noticeboard   
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail OCSS18AU02 Diagnostcs of Autistic Spectrum Disorders winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCSS18AU05 IQ, Emotional development of pupils with autistic spectrum disorder and coordination of care for people with autistic spectrum disorder summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKBS3S122A Life Context of Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OPBS3S122A Life Context of Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders summer summer s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKBS3S124A Life Context of Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disability winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OPBS3S124A Life Context of Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disability winter winter s.:1/2, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRN20UC06 Special educational course I. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRN20UC20 Special educational course II. summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC19 Profession of teacher assistants and their work both 0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS19 Profession of teacher assistants and their work I. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS20 Profession of teacher assistants and their work II. summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCSS18AU10 New Trends in Education and Care of Pupils and Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder winter winter s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC20 Special educational practice I. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS24UC25 Professional practice I winter winter s.:30/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS24UC26 Professional practice II summer summer s.:30/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC21 Special educational practice II. summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail ONSP18852 Practics in special edu. field II winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCSS18AU08 Professional Practice winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP08 Practice in Pedagogy both 0/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP02 Pedagogy both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS02 Theory of education and new trends in education I. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP05 Rights and duties of a teaching assistant both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP06 Propedeutics of Special Education both 0/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCSS18AU03 Psychoeducational profiles and Behavioural problems in children with Autistic spectrum disorder winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP03 Psychology both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC27 Psychopaedy and its methodology I. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC28 Psychopaedy and its methodology II. summer summer s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKNSP18912 Practice reflection II. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS21SS01 Final Thesis Seminar summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC37 Examination - all pedias both 0/0, CT [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKNS2S105A Special Educational Practice - Continual I summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OPBS1S135A Speced Support of Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders summer summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKBS1S135A Special Educational Support of Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS08 Specific learning disorders summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP07 Specifics of work with pupils with special educational needs both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OK0218211 Special Education - Individuals with Mental Handicap II summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS24UC20 Strategies and interventions in the education of students with intellectual disabilities II summer summer s.:35/0, Ex [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP04 System of support for pupils with special educational needs both 0/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKBS1S115A Development of Individualized Education Plans winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OK0218290 Development of Individualized Education Plans winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OPBS2S114A Individual Education Plans winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC15 Development of individualized education plans and educational support plans winter winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS11 Development of individualized education plans and educational support plans winter winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OPBS4S043A Individual Education Plans summer summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCSS18AU07 Preparation of individual education plans and pedagogical support plans summer summer s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS20AP01 Introduction to studies and seminar for the final thesis both 0/0, C [HS] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCSS18AU04 Education of pupils with autism spectrum disorders winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC22 Introduction to ORL, phoniatrics and audiology. winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCRS18UC10 Introduction to psychopaedy summer summer s.:0/0, other [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS23 Introduction to psychopaedy and its methodology I. winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OCDS18SS24 Introduction to psychopaedy and its methodology II. summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OKMN0S149A Pupils with Special Educational Needs II winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
detail OPMN0S149A Pupils with Special Educational Needs II winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KSP PedF no no
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