SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Teachers, academic year 2024/2025
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doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc.
Additional information:
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Department: Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Phone: 221900205
Courses   Schedule   Opinion survey results   Noticeboard   
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail OD2303127 Present Trends in Didactic Research I (Aimed at First Grade of Basic School) both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OD2303129 Present Trends in Didactic Research III (Aimed at Czech Language as a Second/Foreign Language)) both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPDC1C016B Present Trends in Didactic Research aimed at Czech Language as a Second Language winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail O01303283 Czech as a Second Language summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OK0603283 Czech Language as a Second Language summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKMN0C173A Czech as a Second Language winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPMN0C173A Czech as a Second Language winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OCRN20UC16 Didactic Solutions of Czech Grammar Critical Points for Younger Age Pupils summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKMN0C159A Methodology of Czech Language I winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPMN0C159A Methodology of Czech Language I winter winter s.:0/3, Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKNC2C117B Didactics of Czech Language as a Second Language summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OD2303107 Czech Language Didactics for Elementary Schools both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKMN0C166A Methodology of Czech Language with Practise II summer summer s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPMN0C166A Methodology of Czech Language with Practise II summer summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail ON2303121 Didactics of Czech as a Second Language summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail O01303149 Methodology of Czech Language with Practise I winter winter s.:0/3, C+Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OK0603149 Methodology of Czech Language with Practise I winter winter s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OK0603150 Methodology of Czech Language with Practise II summer summer s.:0/0, MC [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail O01303150 Czech Didactics with Practise II summer summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKNC3C014A Integrated Didactics of Czech Language for Students with Special Educational Needs and for Gifted Students winter winter s.:12/0, C+Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPDC1C005B Communicative Skills and Their Development both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OD2303118 Communicative Skills and Their Development both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OCRN20UC24 Communication Education in Czech Language at the First Grade of Basic School winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKNC3C043B Linguistic Background in Education of Students with a Different Mother Tongue summer summer s.:12/0, Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OKNC4C034A Preparation and Submission of a Diploma Thesis both 5/0, C [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPDC1C006B Psychological Approaches in Czech Language Didactics both 0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OD2303119 Psychological Approaches in Czech Language Didactics both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OCRN20UC02 Development of Language Competence of Younger Age Pupil at the Primary School winter winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPDC1C012A Dissertation seminar II summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HS] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OX03SCHUZE Department meeting KCJ both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OD2303113 Stylistics and Text Linguistics both 0/0, other [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OB2303V07 Pupil-foreigner in a Czech School both 0/1, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
detail OPBC4C103C Pupil-Foreigner in the Czech School both 0/1, C [HT] 41-KCJ PedF no no
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