SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitleFacultyDepartmentTaught:E-Creditssort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationClasses per academic year (extra):Number of non-contact hoursMin. number of students:Max. number of students:Parent course supplying teachingLanguage of instruction:Enrollment outside of the study plan possibleEnabled for web enrollmentPriority enrollment if the course is part of the study planCan be fulfilled in following yearsVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail OEBEE1801Z Science experiments for preschool and primary school 11410 41-KCHDCH not taught 4 both 0/0, Ex [HS] English no no no no no no
detail OKBUV19205 Cloud data processing 11410 41-KITTV not taught 4 both 0/0, MC [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OKB7119105 Development of technical and digital Education in pre-school 11410 41-KITTV not taught 4 both 0/0, Ex [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OKB7309V01 Science experiments for preschool and primary school 11410 41-KCHDCH not taught 3 both 0/0, C [HS] Czech no no no no no no
detail OKNSP18245 Education towards healthy lifestyle in the work of a special educator 11410 41-KSP not taught 4 winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OKVP15104 Selected pedagogical inovations in nowadays schools. 11410 41-KPPP taught 3 both 0/0, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OKVP15625 Creation of student's portfolio 11410 41-KPPP not taught 1 winter winter s.:0/0, C [HS] Czech no no no no no no
detail OK0218V440 Education towards healthy lifestyle for pupils with special educational needs 11410 41-KSP not taught 4 summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OK0233V03 Curriculum and Textbooks 11410 41-UVRV not taught 4 winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OK02333V04 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research 11410 41-UVRV not taught 5 both 1/1, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OK02333V05 Middle East in Comparative Educational Studies 11410 41-UVRV not taught 2 winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OK0619025 Development of technical and digital Education in primary school 11410 41-KITTV not taught 4 both 0/0, Ex [HT] Czech no no no no no no
detail OOK02333V2 National Education System and Educational Policy development since 1989 11410 41-UVRV not taught 2 summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] Czech no no no no no no
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