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Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Cultural Heritage in Prague 2 - KDKU359
Title: Cultural Heritage in Prague 2
Guaranteed by: Institute of Christian Art History (26-UDKU)
Faculty: Catholic Theological Faculty
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 6
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/2, C [HT]
Capacity: unknown / 30 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: you can enroll for the course repeatedly
course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Markéta Jarošová, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): PhDr. Markéta Jarošová, Ph.D.
The “Cultural Heritage in Prague” seminar focuses on significant places and monuments. Together we will observe the famous Quarters and discover the beauty of architecture from the Romanesque and Gothic periods, Renaissance and Baroque styles, and Historicism, Secession, and Cubism and Modernism. Throughout specific tasks, students will learn how to describe and classify architectonical elements into specific periods and will learn how to understand the principles of decorative systems. Students will work in small teams and prepare answers to specific questions concerning the broader historical context of cultural heritage and monument care. Through worksheets and accompanying materials, they will learn to describe and classify monuments based on formal elements. Classes will take place outside, in the city, in the gardens, in front of the facades, or inside the churches and other cultural monuments. The seminar is intended for students of the Erasmus+ from all disciplines and different fields of study programs from CU, as well as for art history students from the daily study program of KTF. If you are interested in cultural heritage and would like to know more about urbanism and architectural ensembles of outstanding quality in Prague, you are sincerely welcome to attend this seminar.
Last update: Jarošová Markéta, PhDr., Ph.D. (14.01.2024)
Course completion requirements
Participation and activity in discussions at seminars and presentation of papers are expected. Students submit a text in English to 1 page as a catalog entry, including images attachments, and a list of literature.
Last update: Jarošová Markéta, PhDr., Ph.D. (14.01.2024)

Required literature: 

  • Jiří Kuthan / Jan Royt: The Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2017
  • Miloš Pokorný: Prague Castle: crossroads of history. Praha: Slovart, 2014
  • Pavel Kalina: Leonardo da Vinci and Benedikt Ried. V Praze: České vysoké učení technické, 2008
  • Barbara Drake Boehm / Jiří Fajt (eds.):  Prague: The Crown of Bohemia, 1347–1437. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art/New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005 
  • Petr Chotěbor:  Prague Castle: detailed guide. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2005
  • Klára Benešovská (ed.): The story of Prague Castle. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2003
  • Pavel Zatloukal (ed.): Architecture of the 19th century. Prague: Prague Castle Administration: DaDa, 2001
  • Zdeněk Lukeš (ed.): Architecture of the 20th century. Prague: Prague Castle Administration: DaDa, 2001
  • Jiří T. Kotalík (ed.): Architecture of the Baroque. Prague: Prague Castle Administration: DaDa, 2001
  • Klára Benešovská (ed.): Architecture of the gothic. Prague: Prague Castle Administration: DaDa, 2001
  • Ivan Prokop Muchka (ed.): Architecture of the renaissance. Prague: Prague Castle Administration: DaDa, 2001   
  • Klára Benešovská (ed.): Architecture of the Romanesque. Prague: Prague Castle Administration: DaDa,  2001
  • Zdeněk Lukeš / Damjan Prelovšek / Tomáš Valena: Josip Plečnik – an architect of Prague Castle. Praha: Prague Castle Administration, a budget organization of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic, 1997
  • Mojmír Horyna: Prague – Lesser Town: the town below the Castle. Praha: Petit, 1993
  • Jiřina Hořejší: The Vladislav Hall of the Prague Castle. Praha: Odeon, 1973
  • Anežka Merhautová-Livorová: St. George’s Basilica at Prague Castle. Praha: Odeon, 1972
  • Roberta Finlayson-Samsour: A Walk through Prague Castle. Prague: Olympia, 1969
  • Ivan Borkovský: The Prague Castle. Praha: STN, 1961
  • Jaromír Neumann: The Picture Gallery of Prague Castle: a collection of selected works. Praha: Academia, 1967
  • Jiří Fajt / Jan Royt (eds.): Magister Theodoricus, court painter of the emperor Charles IV. [sic]: decorations of the sacred spaces at castle Karlštejn: Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia 12 November 1997 - 26 April 1998. Prague: National Gallery, 1997
  • Verena Friedrich: Prague, King’s-palace: culture heritage of UNESCO. Passau: Kunstverlag Peda, 1996
  • Jaroslav Pánek / Oldřich Tůma (eds.): A history of the Czech Lands. Prague: Karolinum, 2009
  • Jan Royt: Medieval painting in Bohemia. Prague: Karolinum, 2003
  • Open the gates of paradise: the Benedictines in the heart of Europe 800-1300 / translation Linda Leffová, Gita Zbavitelová, Kateřina Hilská, Ky Krauthamer. Prague: National Gallery in Prague in cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2015
  • Zoë Opačić (ed.): Prague and Bohemia: medieval art, architecture, and cultural exchange in Central Europe. Leeds: Maney Publishing, 2009
  • Pavel Vlček (ed.): The Old Town Hall. Praha: Foibos Books s.r.o., 2018
  • Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann: Court, Cloister, and City. The Art and Culture of Central Europe 1450–1800. Chicago 1995
  • Jiřina Hořejší/ Jarmila Krčálová: Die Kunst der Renaissance und des Manierismus in Böhmen, Praha 1979
  • Eliška Fučíková (ed.): Rudolf II. and Prague: The court and the city, London 1997
  • Oldřich Blažíček: Baroque Art in Bohemia, 1968
  • Jaromír Neumann: Das böhmische Barock. Prague 1970
  • Vít Vlnas: The glory of the Baroque in Bohemia. Art, culture, and society in the 17th and 18th centuries. Prague 2011
  • Zdeněk Lukeš / Jiří Šetlík / Pavel Janák: Czech architectural cubism: a remarkable trend that was born in Prague: Jaroslav Fragner Gallery: 21.12.2006-11.02.2007. Praha: Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera: Dan Merta, 2006             
  • Petr Wittlich: Art-Nouveau Prague: forms of the style. Prague: Karolinum, 2007
  • Petr Wittlich: Czech secession: art and architecture 1890–1914. Prague: Charles University, Karolinum Press, 2022

Recommended literature:

  • Berglund Bruce R.: Castle and cathedral in modern Prague: longing for the sacred in a skeptical age.  Budapest/New York: Central European University Press, 2017
  • Die Prager Burg & Plečnik = Prague Castle & Plečnik. Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2016
  • Příběh Pražského hradu = The Story of Prague Castle: tisíc let dějin Pražského hradu v jedné unikátní expozici: Starý královský palác. Praha: Správa Pražského hradu, 2016
  • Herbert Slavík:  Prague Castle: the seat of the president of the Czech Republic; accompanying texts: Jaroslav Sojka, Filip Wittlich: Správa Pražského hradu, 2015
  • Luděk Sládek (ed.): Prague Castle: in and out without hassle. Praha: Kam po Česku, 2015
  • Jedounek, Aleš (ed.): Beautiful places of the Prague Castle. Prague Castle Administration: Stratex iPublishing Factory, 2014
  • Libor Sváček / Viktor Kuvík: Pražský hrad = Prague Castle = Prager Burg = Pražskij grad. Český Krumlov: MCU, 2014
  • Karel Kuča (ed.): Castles, country houses: and other monuments in the care of the National Heritage Institute. Praha: National Heritage Institute, Central Office, 2009
  • Jan Žáček (ed.): Gardens near Prague Castle. Praha: Havlíček Brain Team, 2008
  • František Kadlec: Pražský hrad = Prague Castle. Praha 2007
  • Klára Halmanová (ed.): Pražský hrad ve fotografii 1939-1989 = Prague Castle in photographs 1939-1989. Praha: Správa Pražského hradu: KANT, 2007
  • Luděk Sládek: Prague Castle: dynasty by dynasty. Praha: BB/art, 2005
  • Věra Vávrová / Pavel Janeček (eds.): Gardens and parks: Prague Castle. Praha: Správa Pražského hradu, 2002
  • Eliška Fučíková / Petr Chotěbor / Zdeněk Lukeš: Walls: Prague Castle. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2002     
  • Eliška Fučíková / Petr Chotěbor / Zdeněk Lukeš: Windows: Prague Castle. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2002
  • František Kadlec / Věra Malá:  The state rooms: Prague Castle. Prague: Office of the President, 2001
  • Johana Kofroňová (ed.): Opus italicum: Italian Renaissance and Baroque architects in Prague: 24.11.2000-4.3.2001, the Prague Castle Picture Gallery. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2000
  • Tomáš Durdík: Selected medieval castles of central Bohemia: Prague Castle, Žebrák, Točník, Křivoklát, Karlštejn. Praha: Společnost přátel starožitností, 2000
  • Marie Kostílková: The windows of St Vitus’s Cathedral. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2000
  • Petr Chotěbor: Prague Castle. Prague: Olympia: Baset, 1999              
  • Dudák, Vladislav: Prague Castle; Hradčany. Prague: Baset: Administration of Prague Castle, 1998
  • Eliška Fučíková / Petr Chotěbor / Zdeněk Lukeš: Prague Castle Gallery: a guide to the collections. Prague: Prague Castle Administration,1998
  • Charles, Prince of Schwarzenberg (ed.): The castle of Prague and its treasures. London: Flint River Press,1994
  • Petr Chotěbor: Prague Castle: Detailed guide. Praha: Prague Publishing House of Jiří Poláček: BKT Alice Brindlerová, 1994
  • Karel Neubert / Jan Royt / Jiří Fajt: St. Vitus’ Cathedral and Prague Castle. Praha: Grafoprint-Neubert, 1994
  • Jana Kybalová: European: from the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Troja Castle 1992-1993. Prague: MDA Prague Gallery,  1992
  • Jan Royt / Jiří Fajt: Prague Castle, Hradčany. Praha: Orbis pictus, 1992
  • Petr Chotěbor / Jiří Svoboda: Prague Castle. Prague: Olympia, 1991 
  • Emanuel Poche: Basilika sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě. Praha: Odeon, 1974 (English translation in it)
  • The Prague Castle in the summer of 1968. Prague: Theatre Institute, 1968
  • Jaromír Neumann: Guide to the Picture Gallery of Prague Castle. Praha: Orbis, 1966
  • Roberta Finlayson-Samsour: The Prague Castle. Praha: STN, 1965
  • Czechoslovakia: A Thousand Years of the Old Art of Slovakia: Great Exhibition at Prague Castle. Prague: Výstavní výbor, 1938
  • The Castle of Prague and the royal summer residence [Belvedere]. Prague: Prague Castle Administration Office, 1930
  • Jan Morávek: Guide to Prague Castle: History of the Castle. Prague: Orbis, 1930
  • Igor Kovačević (ed.): Beyond everydayness theatre architecture in Central Europe. Prague: National Theatre, 2010
  • Jan Klápště: The archaeology of Prague and the medieval Czech lands, 1100-1600. Sheffield/Bristol: Equinox, 2016
  • Jiří Fajt (ed.): Court chapels of the high and late middle ages and their artistic decoration: [proceedings from the international symposium, Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia = Dvorské kaple vrcholného a pozdního středověku a jejich umělecká výzdoba : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodního sympozia, Klášter sv. Anežky České 23.9.-25.9.1998]. Prague: National Gallery, 2003
  • Lisa Wolverton: Hastening toward Prague: power and society in the medieval Czech lands. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001
  • Bohumil Chalupníček (ed.): The Residence of the Mayor of Prague. Prague: KANT for the Capital City of Prague, 2018
  • Tomáš Vlček (ed.): The Museum of Czech Cubism: guide to the permanent exhibition in the Black Madonna House. Muzeum českého kubismu (Praha, Česko). Prague: National Gallery, 2004
  • Edwin Becker / Roman Prahl / Petr Wittlich (eds.): Prague 1900: poetry and ecstasy. Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum, 1999
  • Petr Wittlich: Sculpture of the Czech Art Nouveau. Prague: Karolinum, 2001
  • Lucie Vlčková (ed.): Czech cubism: a guide to the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. Prague: Museum of Decorative Arts, 2015
  • Alexander von Vegesack (ed.): Czech Cubism: Architecture, Furniture, and Decorative Arts 1910–1925. London: Laurence King, 1992     
  • Irena Žantovská Murray: Czech Cubism: Architecture and Design, 1910–1925: [Kat. výstavy], New York 6. duben - 5. červenec 1993. New York: Cooper-Hewitt: National Museum of Design: Smithsonian Institution, 1992   
  • Jiří Švestka / Tomáš Vlček (eds.): Czech cubism 1909–1925: art, architecture, design. Praha: Modernista, 2006
  • Karolína Dolanská (ed.): Modern and Contemporary Czech Art 1890–2010. Prague: National Gallery, 2010
Last update: Jarošová Markéta, PhDr., Ph.D. (12.01.2024)

05. 03. 2024 – Introduction at Catholic Theological Faculty

12. 03. 2024 – Prague Castle: exterior of St. Vitus Cathedral and St. George's Basilica

  1. Kluklová Barbora (team leader) 
  2. Brücklerová Dana 
  3. Bartasová Markéta 
  4. Antonova Alexandra 

19. 03. 2024 – view of Prague from the lookout point in front of Strahov cloister, Petřín Tower, Hunger Wall

  1. Miftakhova Sofia (team leader)
  2. Dufková Anna 
  3. Jiranová Melisa 
  4. Zherebtsova Angelina

26. 03. 2024 – Mánes exhibition hall, Dancing House, Monument of Alois Jirásek

  1. Brzobohatá Marie (team leader)
  2. Bergerová Magdaléna 
  3. Kyprá Ema 
  4. Nix Max 

09. 04. 2024 – The New Town Hall, Charles Square, Church of the Virgin Mary in Slovany

  1. Hrdlička Vít (team leader) 
  2. Rutová Veronika 
  3. Michalčáková Julie
  4. Lesáková Markéta 

16. 04. 2024 – Cubist villas under the Vyšehrad

  1. Šuranská Angela Amélie (team leader) 
  2. Šírová Monika 
  3. Makhnyova Alissa 
  4. Maňasová Michaela 

23. 04 2024 – The National Monument – Vítkov

  1. Belanová Natália (team leader) 
  2. Sochrová Stela
  3. Laiblová Marie 

30. 04 2024  – Monuments in the vicinity of Letná

  1. Karásek Tadeáš (team leader) 
  2. Diviš Ondřej 
  3. Hlaváčová Anna 
  4. Zub Viktoria

07.05 2024 – Belvedere, Royal gardens

  1. Lalli Emma (team leader) 
  2. Musgrave Eleanor 
  3. Sturaro Federica 
  4. Sinico Tobia 
  5. Samuel Davis
  6. Yuka Miyake

For Erasmus+ students I prepared some short videos about Prague's cultural heritage. If you are interested, you can check them out through the links below:

Please,  turn up the volume, it might be necessary :)

Welcome to Prague (3 videos)




Lobkowicz Palace (3 videos)


Lesser Town


St. Nicholas Church, Lesser Town Square


Charles Bridge (2 videos)


Statue of John of Nepomuk, Charles Bridge (2 videos)


Powder Gate, Old Town of Prague (2 videos)


Municipal House, Old Town of Prague (3 videos)


House of the Black Madonna, Old Town of Prague (2 videos)


Last update: Jarošová Markéta, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.04.2024)
Entry requirements
A good knowledge of English is assumed.
Last update: Jarošová Markéta, PhDr., Ph.D. (12.01.2024)
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