Computer Graphics - OKB2319214
Title: Počítačová grafika
Guaranteed by: Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2011 to 2011
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: combined
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Vladimír Rambousek, CSc.
Teacher(s): Mgr. Stanislav Lustig
doc. PhDr. Vladimír Rambousek, CSc.
Pre-requisite : OKB2319113
Is pre-requisite for: OKB2319415, OKB2319314, OKB2319315, OKB2319414, OKB2319514, OKB2319413, OKB2319515
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
The mission of the Computer Graphics course is to achieve the student's understanding of basic principles and methods of processing graphic data on the computer, thus creating conditions for effective creative work with graphic tools, and through them with the graphics information on computer. At the same time, is the mission of course to induce basic theoretical background and competence to further develop of students in the direction of 3D graphics, multimedia applications and authorial approach to the use of graphic data in different types of documents. Objective of the course Computer Graphics is in mastering the knowledge and activities in the field of computer graphics related to managing working with graphical data and the use of graphic information with the support of computers, including knowledge of the various ways of acquiring and editing of graphic data and characteristics of the corresponding facilities and programs. The course content focuses on relevant theoretical foundations of computer graphics from the computer science, physics, biology and psychology, principles and algorithms of processing graphic data on the computer and its features, specifications, options, types and sources of image data, processing colors, types and properties of graphic formats , application of bitmap and vector graphics, hardware for processing and graphics programs for creating and processing graphics.
Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (21.09.2011)
Course completion requirements -

Credit Requirements
• Active participation in seminars, continuous performance tasks
• Defending quality original assessment work in the area of focus objects created separately in the structure and form according to specification
• Credit will be implemented in the application environment corresponding to teaching

Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (03.12.2014)
Literature - Czech
  • HASHIMOTO, A., CLAYTON, M. Velká kniha digitální grafiky a designu. Brno : Computer Press, 2009.

  • HUDEC, B., FELKEL, P. Základy počítačové grafiky. Praha : Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2007.

  • HUGHES, J. et al. Computer graphics - principles and practice, 3rd edition. B, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 2012.

  • KLAWONN, F. Introduction to Computer Graphics, 2nd edition. London : Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2012.

  • KOLINGEROVA, I. Krásy počítačové grafiky.  Dostupné z URL: <>.

  • LEA D. Mistrovství v Adobe Photoshop : Tvorba digitálních ilustrací a umělecké techniky. Brno : Computer Press, 2011.

  • NAVRÁTIL. P. Počítačová grafika a multimédia. Praha : Computer Media, 2007.

  • SHIRLEY, P., MARSCHNER, S. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics , 3rd edition. Boston : A K Peters, 2009.

  • TŮMA, T. Počítačová grafika a design. Brno : Computer Press, 2007. Centre of Computer Graphics and Data Visualisation. Dostupné z URL: <>.

  • ŽÁRA, J. a kol. Moderní počítačová grafika. Brno : Computer Press, 2004.

  • Materiály k výuce předmětu na serveru MOODLE.  Dostupné z URL: <>.

  • On-Line Computer Graphics Notes. Dostupné z URL: <>.

  • Server o počítačové grafice a digitální fotografii. Dostupné z URL: <>.

  • Server o problematice 3D grafiky a digitálních médií. Dostupné z URL: <>.

  • Textové materiály, prezentace a grafické soubory distribuované v průběhu semestru.

Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (03.12.2014)
Requirements to the exam -

The exam has theoretical and practical
The theoretical part will be implemented written and oral examination.
in the written part is to demonstrate the appropriate level of knowledge of the subject area of focus test form
verbal part is a demonstration of the appropriate level of knowledge in defense of assessment work and the related discussion of the subject area of focus
Practical concerns demonstrate competence in the creation, acquisition and processing graphical data on a computer through the implementation of tasks based on the award
The exam will be implemented in the environment corresponding to teaching

Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (03.12.2014)
Syllabus -


Analytical and computational geometry in computer graphics, physical properties of light, perceptual properties of light, the light and color perception, color spaces and color models


Bitmap data, color attribute, bit attribute, vector data


Image resolution, interpolation, geometric transformations, sampling and alias, antialiasing, expression of colors , direct color and process color, color transformation, dithering, image brightness, histogram, gamma, transformation of luminance scale


Types and characteristics of image formats, data compression and compression algorithms and their properties, raster formats, vector formats, metaformats


Acquisition of graphic data, the sensor elements light sensitive, scanners, digital photos, programs for creating and processing of graphics, graphic accelerators, development, standards, basic parameters, monitors, projectors, printers


Available tools and features of the program, options for creating bitmap graphics, basics of creating vector objects, user settings, work with layers, styles and templates, import, archive files, export, conversion, calibration, printing


Editing and conversion of graphic files, scanning image masters, scanning, digital photo, OCR, creating animated GIF sequences, color separation, prepress, printing


3D object representation, geometric transformations, projections, projection matrix, parallel projection, central projection, light, illumination models, light sources, shadows, textures, types of mapping, shadow maps, light maps


Last update: RAMBO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (21.09.2011)