This subject follows after Beginnings of Conducting Technique in higher level with more complicated repertory. The emphasis is put on the improving of conducting technique. Subject is realized in a group, students sing, accompany on the piano which makes also better their sight singing ability and playing scores.
Last update: PECHACEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (20.03.2012)
Scores of vocal and vocal-instrumental compositions for children, women, mixed and men choirs of different historical periods. Last update: PECHACEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (20.03.2012)
Active attendance at lessons. Detailed knowledge of studied compositions. Last update: PECHACEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (20.03.2012)
Formal analysis of compositions. Methods of studying homophony and polyphony. Intonation and singing technique. Rhythm problems in vocal compositions. Last update: PECHACEK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (20.03.2012)