The goal of subject K11 Algorithms and elementary programming reach basic level of knowledge in both practical and theoretical programming including mastering creation of basic algorithmically constructions. This course's framework is characterized by both relevant theoretical pieces of knowledge connected with the development of basic constructions and order of programming. This course is focused both on theoretical aspects of application development and practical skills for basic programming constructions development. This subject's source is functional paradigm of programming and system approach for solving real programming construction.
Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (20.09.2005)
KRAVAL, I. Základy objektově orientovaného programování. Praha : Computer Press, 1998.
KUKAL, J. Myšlením k algoritmům. Praha : Grada, 1998.
LIBICHER, I., TOPFER, P. Od problému k algoritmu a programu. Praha : Grada Publishing, 1996.
MIKULA, P., JUHOVÁ, K., SOUKENKA, J. Turbo Pascal - kompletní průvodce. Praha : Grada, 1993.
MORKES, D. Základy programování. Praha, Computer Press, 1997.
MÜLLER, K. Programovací jazyky. Praha : ČVUT, 1999.
PECINOVSKÝ, R., VIRIUS, M. Učebnice programování - základy algoritmizace. Praha : Grada, 1998.
TOPFER, P. Algoritmy a programovací techniky. Praha : Prometheus, 1995.
VIRIUS, M. Základy algoritmizace. Praha : ČVUT, 1997.
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Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (14.04.2005)
Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (20.09.2005)