OPEN ONLINE COURSE This module offers 4 comprehensive courses providing in-depth knowledge on project design, development and application, starting with an Introduction to Grant Application Writing & Impact, then, followed by expert know-how on Advanced Project Development and Application Preparation and the best ways of Forming a Project Consortium and finally, on Budget Development for your ReSTI project. For more information visit https://cppt.cuni.cz/CPPTNEN-86.html. Last update: Práglová Petra, Bc. (03.09.2021)
Course 1 The main course objectives are • to explain funding instruments and grants and by whom these can be utilised • to introduce key EU funding programmes for research and innovation (i.e. Horizon 2020, ERDF, IPA) • to explain the structure of a grant application and its main components • to provide an overview of how a grant application is put together, including setting objectives, defining activities and identifying impacts.
Course 2 The main course objectives are • to provide comprehensive knowledge on the impact part of Horizon 2020 proposals (in particular Research and Innovation Actions), but also highlight differences to other project types.
Course 3 The main course objectives are • to conduct a stakeholder analysis • to evaluate possible partners and assess their capacity to be part of the consortium • to learn to apply intercultural communication methods.
Course 4 The main course objectives are • to get an overview of the most common eligible project costs in different types of European R&D&I projects, with the correct calculation methods • to understand what is good practice beyond eligibility, i.e. how to calculate resources to be committed with acceptable personal costs, travel costs, equipment and investment, as well as potential involvement of third parties • to get acquainted with the common budget templates and the methods to fill them out in order to prepare a detailed budget without generating financial risks. Last update: Práglová Petra, Bc. (03.09.2021)
Multiple choice test.
Participants who successfully complete the subject will be awarded with 2 credits and digital badge. Last update: Práglová Petra, Bc. (03.09.2021)