The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the methods of the proposal of the movement programs - for
health-oriented fitness interventions to influence how the exertion in healthy individuals and non-trained subjects, and
selected groups of patients in the primary and secondary prevention. Will also be explored the individual peculiarities of
the draft programmes for children, adults, women and men.
Last update: Mahrová Andrea, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.11.2010)
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the methods of the proposal of the movement programs - for health-oriented fitness interventions to influence how the exertion in healthy individuals and non-trained subjects, and selected groups of patients in the primary and secondary prevention.
Last update: Mahrová Andrea, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.11.2010)
Obligatory: 1. BUNC, V. Biokybernetický přístup k hodnocení reakce organismu na tělesné zatížení. Praha: UK. 1990 2. BUNC, V., TEPLÝ, Z. Hodnocení energetické náročnosti základních tělesných aktivit. Časopis lékařů českých, 128, 1989, s. 1580 - 1583 3. BUNC, V. Jednoduchý způsob odhadu úrovně tělesné zdatnosti. Časopis lékařů českých, 129, 1990, 28, s. 883-886 4. Bunc, V. A simple Metod for estimation aerobic fitness. Ergonomics, 37, 1994, s.159-165 5. BUNC, V. Nové pohledy na minimální množství pohybových činností. TVSM, 62, 1996, č. 7, s. 2-7 6. COOPER, K.H. Aerobní cvičení. Praha: Olympia. 1980 7. SCUDERI, G.R., McCANN, P.D., BRUNO, P.J. Sports medicine - principles of primary care. St.Louis: Mosby. 1997 8. TEPLÝ, Z. Pohybový režim dospělých. Praha: UK 1990
Recommended: MAUD, P.J., FOSTER, C. (Eds.). Physiological assessment of human fitness. Champaign: Human Kinetics 1995
Last update: PUCHMERTLOVA/FTVS.CUNI.CZ (26.02.2008)
Requirements for credit:
Last update: PUCHMERTLOVA/FTVS.CUNI.CZ (26.02.2008)
The content of teaching: 1. The basic definition 2. The intensity, frequency and volume, and the method of evaluation of the motoric activities 3. The movement history - ways of collecting data and evaluation 4. Differences according to the goals of the programmes 5. Energy demand of the movement programs 6. Programmes for fitness and health influence state, body mass reduction 7. Programs for children, women, men and seniors 8. Movement programmes in primary and secondary prevention 9. Proposals of individual movement programs 10. The effect movement programs control system
Requirements for the classification: 90% of the membership and the processing of the seminar work Last update: Mahrová Andrea, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.11.2010)