SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Kinesiology - PFYZ219C
Title: Kinesiology
Guaranteed by: Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Faculty: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 0
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: 12 / 12 (12)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: deregister from the credit exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
deregister from the exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Tereza Nováková, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): Mgr. Zuzana Krausová
Incompatibility : {ERASMUS Fyzioterapie}, {ERASMUS Mgr. Fyzioterapie}
Basic knowledge about human movement. The topic contains the basic principles of control processes for the locomotor system and applies these processes in clinical practice. Part of the course is also an analysis of the structure and function of individual segments of the human body, taking into account the role of their disorder in the context of the whole body.
Last update: Nováková Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.09.2020)
Aim of the course

Learning Outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and general competencies so that after the completion of the course the students:

  • demonstrates the ability to develop knowledge about the control processes of the musculoskeletal system so that the student will be able to apply these in clinical practice
  • demonstrates the ability to orient in the structure and function of individual segments of the human body, taking into account the role of their disorder in the context of the whole body.
  • demonstrates the ability to detect a failure of the structure, failure of control processes and logistics, so that the failure is evaluated at an initial stage, when it may not manifest itself clinically
  • demonstrates the ability to present and apply procedures individually and purposefully.
  • demonstrates the ability to discuss the selected procedures in connection with the prevention of human damage by non-physiological overload in movement behavior.
  • demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge of kinesiology to maintain physical fitness, support the harmonious development of intellectual abilities
Last update: Nováková Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.09.2020)

HOUGLUM, P. A., BERTOTI, D. B. Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 2012, 6th Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2352-1.

JOHANSSON, CH., CHINWORTH, S. A. Mobility in Context, Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 2018, 2nd Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-5817-2.

LEVANGIE, P. K., NORKIN C. C. Joint Structure and Function, . Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2019, 6th Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-5878-3.

NEUMANN, D. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation Hardcover. 3. ed., Mosby 2016, ISBN-10: 0323287530.

Last update: Nováková Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.09.2020)

Teaching topics:

1. The concept of the field. Directions of development of the field.

2. Analysis and function of the axial system

3. Kinesiology of the upper limb. Gripping functions, dexterity momentum.

4. Spare and compensating options of the hand

5. Kinesiology of the lower limb. Walking and gait pathology - kinesiological analysis.

6. Alternative and compensatory possibilities of the lower limb. Walking prostheses.

7. Locomotor system and load.

8. Functions of the locomotor system under difficult conditions

9. Basics of pathokinesiology.

10. Basics of sports kinesiology.

Last update: Nováková Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D. (19.09.2020)
Learning resources

Study Aids:


Last update: Jandová Renáta (28.07.2023)
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