The subject of syntax and its relation to other linguistic disciplines. General characterization of Russian syntactical system
and comparison with the Czech one. Sentence as a basic syntactical unit. Syntactical relations withing a sentence.
Classification of sentence parts. Structural models of a two-parts and one-part sentence. Word order and functional
sentence perspective. General chracterization of complex and compound sentences and their types.
Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (11.03.2010)
The subject of syntax and its relation to other linguistic disciplines. General characterization of Russian syntactical system and comparison with the Czech one. Sentence as a basic syntactical unit. Syntactical relations withing a sentence. Classification of sentence parts. Structural models of a two-parts and one-part sentence. Word order and functional sentence perspective. General chracterization of complex and compound sentences and their types. Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (11.03.2010)
Požadavky k získání zápočtu: Plnění všech zadaných úkolů (ústních i písemných). 100% docházka na domluvené konzultace. Splnění 3 testů - každý minimálně na 70%. Každý test má 1 řádný a 1 opravný termín. Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (29.09.2014)
Kubík, M.; Balcar, M.; Dlouhý, M.: Sintaksis russkogo jazyka. Praha, SPN 1982. Babajceva, V. V.; Maksimov, Z. J.: Sovremennyj russkij jazyk, III. Sintaksis. Moskva, Prosveščenije 1981. Bauer. K. a kol.: Příruční mluvnice ruštiny, II. Praha, SPN 1987. Havránek, B.; Jedlička, A.: Česká mluvnice. Praha, SPN 1988. Švedova, N. J. a kol.: Russkaja grammatika. Moskva 1990. Dlouhý, M.; Spiridonov, V.: Texty a úkoly k jazykovému rozboru z ruštiny. Praha 1995. Česal, B. - Vyčichlová, E.: Cvičení z ruské syntaxe I. Plzeň, 1996 Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (09.03.2010)
The subject of syntax and its relation to other linguistic disciplines. General characterization of Russian syntactical system and comparison with the Czech one. Sentence as a basic syntactical unit. Syntactical relations withing a sentence. Classification of sentence parts. Structural models of a two-parts and one-part sentence. Word order and functional sentence perspective. General chracterization of complex and compound sentences and their types. Last update: LIPTAKO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (11.03.2010)