The course focuses on the description and practice of suprasegmental features of English phonetics and phonology, particularly on word and sentence stress, rhythm, reduction and intonation, which greatly contribute to better intelligibility of fluent speech.
Last update: POESOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (15.09.2014)
regular preparation for the classes including homework Last update: Červinková Poesová Kristýna, Mgr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Roach, P. (2009) English Phonetics and Phonology. CUP. Volín, J. (2002) IPA - Based Transcription for Czech Students of English. Karolinum. Nosek, J. (1991) Grafika moderní angličtiny. Karolinum. Gimson´s Pronunciation of English (2001). rev. by A. Crtuttenden. Arnold. Wells, J. C. (2008) Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Pearson Education Limited. Wells, J. C. (2006) English Intonation. An Introduction. CUP. Bradford, B. (2000) Intonation in Context. CUP. Brazil, D. (1994) Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English. CUP. Menhard, Z. (1991) A Workbook in English Phonetics. SPN. Underhill, A. (2005) Sound Foundations. Heineman. Hewings, M. (2007) English Pronunciation in Use. Advanced. CUP. Mortimer, C. (2005) Elements of pronunciation. CUP. Pennington, M. (1996) Phonology in English Language Teaching. Longman. Rogerson, B., Gilbert, J. (1990) Speaking Clearly. CUP. Kelly, G. (2000) How to Teach Pronunciation. Pearson Education Limited. Murcia, M. C., Brinton, D. M., Goodwin, J. M. (2010) Teaching Pronunciation. CUP. Hancock, M. (1995) Pronunciation Games. CUP. Hewings, M (2004) Pronunciation Practice Activities. CUP. Last update: POESOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (15.09.2014)
written exam (pass = 70%; 2 resits) Last update: Červinková Poesová Kristýna, Mgr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Topics: word stress and its placement teaching word stress weak and strong forms rhythm introduction to intonation, its form and functions
Last update: Červinková Poesová Kristýna, Mgr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)