Excursion - OPND2D110B
EXCURSIONS WILL BE REGISTERED AND HOLIDAYS IN SUMMER SEMESTER. The aim of the course is to broaden students' knowledge gained in lectures and seminars. The excursion itself takes place in three phases. In the first, preparatory course, students are acquainted with the excursion program. They work with scientific literature and practically apply the knowledge and skills acquired in individual courses of history studies. During the field trip they present the results of their work and gain further knowledge. In the third phase, they correct their ideas with the reality they have learned during the field trip. They apply the acquired knowledge and skills in their further studies and in vocational training resulting from the profile of the graduate of the Master's degree.
Last update: Beránková Iva, PhDr. (30.10.2019)
The course is completed by a credit. Credit is awarded for a quality oral presentation on a pre-arranged topic, which fades away during the excursion. If the refrater is not found to be of good quality, it is necessary to provide an improved written version after the excursion. Last update: Beránková Iva, PhDr. (30.10.2019)
ČAPEK, V. a kol. Didaktika dějepisu II, Praha: SPN, 1998. HOMEROVÁ, M. Jak může vypadat výuka dějepisu v muzeích a skanzenech aneb umí pedagogové využít nabídky této výuky? Učitelské noviny 1997, s. 19-20. JULÍNEK, S. a kol. Základy oborové didaktiky dějepisu, Brno: MU, 2004. PETRYL, J. Zkušenosti ze spolupráce školy a muzea při vyučování dějepisu, Praha: SPN, 1962. PASÁK, T. Muzea a školy. Společenské vědy ve škole, 1987/2, č. 10, s. 281-3. ŠPÉT, J. - BARTŮŠKA, V. Ke spolupráci muzeí a galerií se školami, Společenské vědy ve škole, 1984/5, č. 5, s. 144-146. Dále dle tématu exkurze. Last update: Kepartová Jana, doc. PhDr., CSc. (13.05.2019)
Předmět nemá vstupní požadavky. Last update: Charvátová Kateřina, prof. PhDr., CSc. (17.12.2018)