Primary perception of musical matter of various style epochs, styles and genres. Under the word “music” we imagine today a fairly distinctive artistic activity. In the world of today, however, the width of this word is immense. What do we understand under the notion “music”? Where is the origin of the most traditional idea of a sense-conveying musical composition? Why do we ingest some kind of music without problems, and some other kind we hear as difficult, or fail to understand it altogether? This seminar will induce the students to try to penetrate the musical structures of various compositions, and teach them to perceive various composition procedures from early history to the present time.
Last update: Entnerová Kateřina, DiS. (07.09.2021)
Kurz má za cíl seznámit posluchače s hudební strukturou takovým způsobem, aby se poté byli schopni zorientovat v celé šíři hudby od minulosti až po současnost a také pochopit její vnitřní matérii a logiku. Last update: Entnerová Kateřina, DiS. (07.09.2021)
Výuka bude probíhat prezenčním způsobem. Last update: Entnerová Kateřina, DiS. (07.09.2021)
Povinná literatura: Tichý, Vladimír. Harmonicky myslet a slyšet. 2., opr. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Akademie múzických umění, 2011. 297 s. Hudební pedagogika; sv. 3. ISBN 978-80-7331-199-5. Doporučená literatura: Smolka, Jaroslav a kol. Dějiny hudby. Vyd. 1. Brno: Togga ve spolupráci s Českým hudebním fondem, 2001. 657 s. ISBN 80-902912-0-1. Last update: Entnerová Kateřina, DiS. (07.09.2021)
The seminar with focus on several important complexes of problems.
1. Music as a phenomenon 2. Musical matter 3. Musical system 4. Musical techniques
A number of themes shall be accompanied by selected samples of recordings of musical compositions of various style epochs, various genres, various character and different instrumental equipment. Last update: Entnerová Kateřina, DiS. (07.09.2021)
The participation in at least two study blocks out of three. Last update: Entnerová Kateřina, DiS. (07.09.2021)