The Pragmatics course follows its prerequisite, Text Linguistics and Stylistics, and aims at taking a more comprehensive, synthesizing approach. The thematic core is formed by some of the key aspects of pragmatic analysis, including conversation and discourse analysis. Considerable attention is paid to issues in the communicative framework. In addition to theoretical mastery of the phenomena, the course offers an opportunity to explore their use in authentic samples. Naturally, the recommended secondary ources come primarily from the English-speaking world, but in view of the students´ prospective teaching careers, selected studies of domestic origin are also included and in relevant topics emphasis is put on a contrastive approach.
Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (31.01.2019)
During the pandemic situation, interaction with students will be moved online and ensured via the Zoom. In addition, students may use email communication with the teacher. The students will be asked to regularly complete various assignments and to study secondary sources most of which are available in the moodle. Throughout the course emphasis will be put especially on student active participation in interactions. Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (29.01.2021)
CREDITS will be given to students for a) their active participation in seminars (based on regular completion of various tasks, including the pre-reading assignments); two missed classes per semester are tolerated b) submitting a hard copy and an electronic version of an adequate seminar paper (the particular instruction being provided during the first seminar) by the stipulated deadline, meeting all the length, formal and factual (i.e., content) standards; c) for passing the credit test. Not satisfying the conditions a) active participation and b) submitting an adequate seminar paper by the stipulated deadline deprives the student of a chance to take the credit test and the exam and get the credits for the subject in the same semester. Students whose participation in seminars was active, but the seminar paper did not meet the content or formal requirements will be allowed to re-submit once, still within the same exam period, based on a different topic. The student may take the credit test and exam only after their seminar paper was found acceptable. Note. Seminar papers represent solely the work of individual students. Hence no plagiarism and collaborative features (whether in content or in formulation) will be tolerated in their accomplishment. SEMINAR PAPER features a review of an independently selected pragmatic study (e.g., a research article published in a renowned journal, chapter in a monograph), the length being between 0.5-1 standard page A4. The second sheet of the seminar paper features a teaching activity directly related to the topic of the pragmatic study. It may be designed by the student themselves or adopted from a practical textbook of English. The student should discuss the activity comprehensively and explain its effect . The seminar paper is submitted by the deadline (last seminar) in hard copy as well as electronically. The assessment takes the proficiency aspect into account. CREDIT TEST AND EXAM.The credit test is designed to verify factual theoretical knowledge gained in Pragmatics, as well as its prerequisite, i.e., Text Linguistics and Stylistics. For a successful pass of the credit test, the minimum requirement is set at 70%, yet the particular result forms part of the overall assessment. The written exam represents a timed analysis of an authentic discourse sample in the form of a composition/essay. It may be taken by all the students who turned in a seminar paper meeting the formal and content criteria by a stipulated deadline (final seminar) and passed the credit test. It should be noted that in both the credit test and the exam the candidate demonstrates their knowledge and skills gained in the course of Pragmatics as well as its prerequisite, i.e., Text Linguistics and Stylistics. Very good and excellent performers (grades A and B, i.e., 75% or more in the credit test and the written exam put together) do not take the oral exam. In borderline cases the seminar activity and the standard of the seminar paper will be also taken account of. The student who passed both the credit test and written exam and scored 70-74.5% overall will take the oral exam as well. The oral exam may be either theoretical or practical, depending on whether the candidate´s result was weaker in the credit test or in the written exam. Each student has three attempts (i.e., two resits in all), irrespective of whether they resit the credit test, the written or the oral exam. In all these components the proficiency aspect represents an intergral part of the assessment. For a successful completion of the course, the minimal requirement overall as well as for the individual assessed parts is set at 70%. Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (29.01.2021)
BASIC SOURCES YULE, G. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. 978-0194372077. HIRSCHOVÁ, M. Pragmatika v češtině. Olomouc: UP, 2006. ISBN 978-80-246-2233-0. MACHOVÁ, S., ŠVEHLOVÁ, M. Sémantika & pragmatická lingvistika. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, PEDF. 2001. ISBN 80-7290-061-7. WIDDOWSON, H.G. Discourse analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007. ISBN 978 O 19 4389211 WOOFITT, R. Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis. London: Sage. 2005. ISBN 0-7619-7426-1. TSUI, A. English Conversation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. ISBN 0194371433.
RECOMMENDED SOURCES BROWN, P., LEVINSON, S. Politeness. Some Universals of Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 1987. ISBN 978-0521313551 LEECH, G. Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman, 1983. ISBN 0-582-55110-2. LEVINSON, S. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. ISBN 978-0521294140. HUTCHBY, I. a R. WOOFIT. Conversation Analysis. 2nd ed. Polity Press, 2008. 978-07456-3866-9. GEE, J. P. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. 3rd ed. Routledge. 2011. ISBN 0-415-58570-8 GEE, J. P. How to do Discourse Analysis: a Toolkit. London: Routledge, 2010. ISBN 0-415-57208-8. MEY, J.L. Pragmatics: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0.631-21132-2. PALTRIDGE, B. Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. 2nd ed. London: Blomsbury Academic, 2012. ISBN 978-1441167620. WOOD, L. A., KROGER, R. O. Doing Discourse Analysis (Methods for Studying Action in Talk and Text). London and New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000, ISBN 0-8039-7351-9. HOFFMANNOVÁ, J.Stylistika a…, Trizonia 1997. ISBN 80-85573-67-9. JAWORSKI, A. a N. COUPLAND. The Discourse Reader, 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge. 2006. ISBN 978-0415346320. Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (31.01.2019)
Introduction. Basic terminology. Features and characteristics of spoken discourse 2. Approaches to Conversation 3. Pragmatic (and Semantic) Presuppositions 4. Speech Acts 5. Pragmatic Principles: Cooperative Principle 6. Pragmatic Principles: Politeness Principle; Approaches to Politeness 7. Other Pragmatic Principles. Deixis 8. Review Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (31.01.2019)