The subject verifies knowledge and analytical skills gained in all obligatory linguistic subjects at BA and MA levels, together with practical formulation skills at C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference. The examination takes a written form and is based on an authentic text sample approximately half a standard A4 page in size. During four hours the candidate is expected to produce independently a comprehesive analysis of the sample in view of all mandatory linguistic subjects, dividing attention between the langue and the parole disciplines and paying a special attention to the passage(s) marked as obligatory. The output corresponds to a composition or an essay. The assessment takes account of the relevance, diversity and representativeness of the phenomena selected for analysis from each discipline, the quality and depth of factual analysis and the formulation (proficiency) standard of the essay.
Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (26.01.2023)
ESSENTIAL SOURCES: CRYSTAL, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 1995. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-40179-8. CRYSTAL, D.and DAVY, D. Investigating English Style. London: Routledge, 2013 (1969). ISBN978-0-582-55-011-7. DUŠKOVÁ, L. a kol. Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny. 4. vyd. Praha: Academia, 2012. 978-80-200-2211-0. ESSER, J. Introduction to English Text-Linguistics. Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main, 2009. ISBN 978-3-631-56003-7. GREENBAUM, S., QUIRK, R. A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. Harlow: Longman, 1990. ISBN 0-582-05971-2. HALLIDAY, M.A.K. a R. HASAN. Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1985. ISBN:0-19-437154-9. HUDDLESTON, R., PULLUM, G. K. A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2005. ISBN 978-0-521-61288-3. PEPRNÍK, J. English Lexicology. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého. 2001. ISBN 80-244-0265-3. QUIRK, R. et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. 2nd Revised edition. London: Longman, 1985. ISBN 978-0582517349. ROACH, P. Phonetics and Phonology. A Practical Course. 4. vyd. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town: Cambridge University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-521-71740-3. SCOVEL, T.: Psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1998.ISBN 978-0194372138. HOLMES, J. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 4th edition. London: Routledge, 2013. ISBN 978-1408276747. ŠTEKAUER, P. Rudiments of English Linguistics. Prešov: Slovakontakt. 2000. ISBN 80-88876-04-4. VERDONK, P. Stylistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003. ISBN 0-19-437240-5. WIDDOWSON, H.G. Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007. ISBN 978 O 19 4389211 YULE, J.: Pragmatics. Oxford Introductions to Language Study. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2nd ed. 1996. ISBN 0194372073 YULE, G.: The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 4th ed. 2010 ISBN 978-0-521-74922-0.
Recommended sources are featured in the syllabi of the obligatory linguistic subjects. Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (20.02.2020)
Meeting proficiency standards at C2 (CEFR) and miminal length requirements concerning the essay/composition Adequate use of relevant terminology Deep insight into all mandatory linguistic subjects Equal attention paid to langue and parole disciplines Factual (content) correctness of observations Sufficiently deep analysis of the passages marked as obligatory Logical structuring of the essay/composition, capacity to argue appropriately Capacity to interrelate and interpret the findings Last update: Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc. (20.02.2020)