Reflective seminar for Teaching practice at lower secondary schools is directly connected with Teaching practice I, i.e. with preparation, realization and reflection of students’ independent teaching performance in the role of teachers in the real classroom environment at lower secondary schools. The areas of primary focus are mainly the ability to transform gained knowledge into practice, specifically in connection with lesson planning, actual teaching and theory-based reflection and identification of one’s strengths and areas of development. Students are examining curricular documents relevant to lower secondary school education (framework reference educational program and school educational program of a specific school), experience the culture and climate of the given institution. Within the seminar, the students will cooperate with the university teacher, fellow students and mentors at teaching practice. The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to develop the skills of reflection on their own pedagogical experience and the skill of analysis the gained experience.
Last update: Žďárek Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.05.2019)
Reflektivní seminář bude, stejně jako samotná oborově didaktická praxe, realizován dle v té době aktuální epidemiologické situace a situace ve školách. Last update: Uličná Klára, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2021)
The credit will be awarded upon completing the assigned tasks and steps. 1. meeting the terms of of organizational and administrative aspect of the teaching practice
2. preparation of observation sheets 3. reflective interview with the university teacher on the teaching practice experience and process. Last update: Žďárek Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.05.2019)
RICHARDS, Jack C a Charles LOCKHART. Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 05-214-5803-X.. SCRIVENER, Jim. Learning teaching: the essential guide to English language teaching. Oxford: Macmillan, 2011. ISBN 978-0-230-72984-1. Last update: Žďárek Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.05.2019)
- Intruduction to the organization, processes, requirements, official documents and other materials - Preparation of observation tools - Addressing miscellaneous practical aspects of teaching (classroom management, authority, discipline, communication, etc.) - the actual teaching practice (1 month) (students work independently under supervision and guidange of their menotrs, university teachers observe one class of each student and provide assessment and feedback) - compilation of teaching practice portfolios - reflective interviews
Last update: Žďárek Karel, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.05.2019)