Based on the knowledge gained in the previous course Exploration: Drawing and Painting, the course develops the skills and abilities in the field of spatial creation. Preparation of students for art education through individual procedures inherent in creative thinking, deepening students' creativity, developing practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of spatial and object creation, focus on contemporary fine art, the relationship of history and the actual situation. Spatial creation with an emphasis on clear articulation of the concept, refinement of feeling for material, the possibility of creation of the own project within the currently specified topic.
Last update: Tsikoliya Lenka, MgA. (07.09.2024)
The student is familiar with 3D artistic practice. The student is able to use advanced artistic techniques of 3D artistic practice. The student will create and reflect on a series of artworks. Last update: Tsikoliya Lenka, MgA. (13.09.2024)
Last update: Sedlák Michal, doc. MgA., Ph.D. (25.10.2022)
Participation in seminars, communication with the teacher, completion of individual seminar assignments and semester assignment. In the case of a joint exhibition project as an outcome of the semester course (by mutual agreement), teamwork is required. Students will create a presentation (portfolio) of the progress of their work on the topic and the content of the course with descriptions and comments (reflections of the creative process) in PDF format. The presentation will be uploaded no later than the day of the joint presentation to the appropriate folder designated by the instructor. The presentation of the course output will be held in class. Last update: Tsikoliya Lenka, MgA. (08.09.2024)
Povinná literatura: SLAVICKÁ, M. Umění instalace. Výtvarné umění, 1994, roč. neuveden, č. 4. ROESELOVÁ, V. Techniky ve výtvarné výchově. Praha: Sarah, 1996. ROESELOVÁ, V. Linie, barva a tvar ve výtvarné výchově. Praha: Sarah, 2004. PRECLÍK, V. Paměť sochařského portrétu. Academia, Praha 2004.
Doporučená literatura: CHALUPECKÝ J. Nové umění v Čechách. Jinočany. Nakladatelství a vydavatelství H+H 1994. DEMPSEYOVÁ, A. Umělecké styly, školy a hnutí. Slovart, 2002. JIROUŠKOVÁ, J. Černá Afrika. Vydaly LN, 2003. LYNTON, N. Umění 19. a 20. století. Artia: Praha, 1981. PIJOAN, J. Dějiny umění 10, 12. Knižní klub-Balios: Praha, 1991-2004. REZEK, P. Tělo, věc a skutečnost v současném umění. Praha: Jazzová sekce, 1982. SLAVICKÁ, M, WILIAMS J, BENISH B. Současné americké umění. Výtvarné umění (čtvrtletník pro současné umění 1 - 2/95) SMITH, L. E. Art Today. Praha: Slovart, 1996. VOLAVKOVÁ, J., SKOŘEPOVÁ, Z. Myšlenky moderních sochařů. Praha: Obelisk, 1971. ZHOŘ, I. Proměny soudobého výtvarného umění. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1992. Odkazy: Rosalind Krauss: Sochařství v rozšířeném poli Krauss_Rosalind_1979_2011_Socharstvi_v_rozsirenem_poli.pdf (monoskop.org) Miwon Kwon: One Place after Another Kwon_Miwon_One_Place_after_Another_Site-Specific_Art_and_Locational_Identity.pdf (monoskop.org) Last update: Tsikoliya Lenka, MgA. (06.10.2024)
Cvičení Last update: Fišerová Zuzana, Mgr., Ph.D. (26.04.2019)
The student uses 3D techniques of artistic practice (site-specific art, interventions in public space). The student is able to describe advanced 3D artistic techniques. The student creates and presents a portfolio of artwork in which they describe and reflect on their work. The student will use their artwork in didactic lesson planning. Last update: Tsikoliya Lenka, MgA. (13.09.2024)