The course aims at helping the students to synthesize pieces of theoretical knowledge on ELT methodology they have assembled throughout the study program, to deepen them, and to become aware of and explicitly form their individual approach to teaching English to young learners. The course guides the participants through the process of writing their final project, which represents the author's emerging personal approach to teaching English to young learners. The final project has the form of a professional portfolio and it contains the following components: 1. An essay entitled 'Seven essential principles for teaching English to young learners’ 2. Observation forms and synthesis of observations 3. Items selected by the author.
Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (26.01.2024)
Plnění průběžných úkolů 2 h, hedání a studium literatury 20 h, příprava prezentace dílčích výstupů 2 h, konzultace 1 h, příprava observačního archu 1 h, observace 1 h, zpracování závěrečné eseje a reflexe observace 15 h , kompletace portfolia 2 h. Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (30.01.2024)
1. Active participation (max. 1 missed class), being prepared 2. Completing all assignments 3. Meeting all deadlines related to the final project, handing the component of the final project in the required length and quality (specific requirements and deadlines will be discussed in the first seminar) Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (26.01.2024)
Obligatory: Richards, J.; Lockhart, Ch. (1996). Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. CUP (selected chapters) + Individually chosen according to the focus of the particular project Optional: Gavora, P. (2000). Úvod do pedagogického výzkumu. Brno: Paido Maňák J.; Švec V. (2004). Cesty pedagogického výzkumu. Brno: CPV Nunan, D. (1992). Research methods in language teaching. Cambridge: CUP Hopkins, D. (2002). A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Maidenhead: Open University Press Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (26.01.2024)
- individualized selection of English teaching principles - discussion and subsequent adjustment of the selection of principles - presentation of partial results of work in seminars - essay preparation - creation of an observation sheet - preparation for observation - observation - reflection of observation - completing the final project Last update: Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr. (26.01.2024)