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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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General Education - OPDQ1P109Z
Title: General Education
Guaranteed by: Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 0
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/0, other [HT]
Extent per academic year: 26 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: combined
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only
enabled for web enrollment
can be fulfilled in the future
Guarantor: prof. PaedDr. Stanislav Bendl, Ph.D.
Interchangeability : ODO114004
Annotation -
This course introduces students to the nature of educational science and leads them to acquire contemporary educational terminology. It introduces students to the problems of education in philosophical, historical, biological, anthropological, sociological, psychological and pedagogical contexts. It analyzes the concept of education and relates it to conceptually related terms. Attention is paid not only to the basic pedagogical categories, pedagogical terminology and its changes, but also to the social determination of education, factors of the development of the human individual, the theory of the teaching profession, the problems of moral development and moral education, questions of the authority of the educator and the educated, the relationship between education and self-education, education as a specific case of manipulation. Emphasis is placed on the value orientation of pedagogy and its importance for the humanization of education. The integrating element that tries to link the above topics is the concept of authority. Authority is seen as an anthropological constant that plays a key role in human development, education and upbringing, and whose form and conception "defines" models of education and educational styles.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
Aim of the course -

The primary objective of the course is to introduce students to contemporary educational theory, to familiarize them with the basic terminology and structure of pedagogy. Students should perceive general pedagogy as an indispensable scientific discipline whose knowledge forms the basis for further study and practice in the field of education. The secondary aim is to unravel the complexities of education in the context of today's society and to highlight the need for a transdisciplinary and systemic view of the phenomenon of education. The tertiary aim is to explore with students how educators and educatees can successfully cope with the demands placed on them in the field of education by contemporary schools and society.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
Course completion requirements -

The condition for successful finishing of the course is active participation in the course, the development of the assigned tasks, discussion of the assignments and the studied literature related to the given issue.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
Literature - Czech

BLÍŽKOVSKÝ, B. Systémová pedagogika: pro studium a tvůrčí praxi. Ostrava: Amosium servis, 1992.

ČÁP, J.; MAREŠ, J. Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Portál, 2001.

HAVLÍK, J.; KOŤA, J. Sociologie výchovy a školy. Praha: Portál, 2002.

HELUS, Z. Úvod do sociální psychologie (Aktualizovaná témata pro studující učitelství). Praha: UK v Praze - Pedagogická fakulta, 2001.

KELLER, J.; TVRDÝ, L. Vzdělanostní společnost? Chrám, výtah a pojišťovna. Praha: SLON, 008.

MÍČEK, L. Sebevýchova. Praha: SPN, 1988.

PAŘÍZEK, V. Základy obecné pedagogiky. Praha: PedF UK v Praze, 1996.

PELIKÁN, J. Výchova jako teoretický problém. Ostrava: Amosium, 1995.

PRŮCHA, J. Moderní pedagogika. Třetí přepracované a aktualizované vydání. Praha: Portál, 2005.

SOKOL, J. Filosofická antropologie. Praha: Portál, 2002.

VACEK, P. Rozvoj morálního vědomí žáků. Praha: Portál, 2008.

VALIŠOVÁ, A.; BRATSKÁ, M.; SLIWERSKI, B. a kol. Relativizace autority a její dopady na současnou mládež. Praha: ISV, 2005.

VALIŠOVÁ, A.; KASÍKOVÁ, H. a kol. Pedagogika pro učitele. 2., rozšířené a aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada, 2011.

VAŠUTOVÁ, J. Být učitelem: Co by měl učitel vědět o své profesi. 2., přepracované vydání. Praha: UK PedF, 2007.

WRÓBEL, A. Výchova a manipulace. Praha: Grada, 2008.

ZVÍROTSKÝ, M. Sebevýchova v interdisciplinární perspektivě. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, 2022.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
Requirements to the exam -

Defense of the worked out assignments and studied professional literature. The PhD student will study one publication (book, scripts) on general pedagogy and one publication (book, scripts) on the issue of authority in education.  The examination will take the form of a debate on the tasks and studied professional literature.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
Syllabus -

* philosophical, biological, psychological, sociological and pedagogical aspects

   of education,

* social determination of education,

* moral development and moral education,

* authority in education,

* education as a specific case of manipulation,

* education and self-education.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
Learning outcomes -

The student:

Characterizes the dependence of educational goals on historical and social context.

Explains the historical development of the relationship between individual and collective goals in education.

Clarifies the difference between naturalistic and supernaturalistic goals in education.

Compares the cultivation and operational lines of thought regarding the social role of education and links both lines to the fundamental types of education.

Explains the relationship between education and the key spheres of social life.

Clarifies the concept of the school as a tool for social integration.

Defines socialization and outlines its phases.

Explains the goals of socialization and the role of adopting social roles.

Defines and compares the terms education, upbringing, and learning.

Discusses potential role models for contemporary children and youth.

Defines authority.

Compares different understandings and interpretations of authority.

Discusses perceptions of authority in society and the educational system.

Discusses various definitions and categorizations of authority.

Describes the main dimensions of a teacher's authority (social, personal, cognitive, and subject-specific).

Identifies the foundations for building formal and informal teacher authority.

Compares and discusses the perspectives of various scientific disciplines on authority.

Discusses possible dilemmas of teacher authority.

Provides examples of the impact of a teacher's misuse of authority.

Discusses the circumstances of building and exercising authority in education.

Creates a mind map with the concept of teacher authority at its core.

Presents and discusses a mind map regarding building and exercising teacher authority.

Constructs a conceptual map focused on pedagogical phenomena.

Analyzes a conceptual map, explains its functions, strengths, and risks.

Identifies so-called cross-connections within the conceptual map.

Describes basic models of education and educational styles.

Discusses their strengths and risks.

Links basic models of education and educational styles with the concepts of discipline and authority in education.

Defines and structures the factors involved in personality formation.

Sketches diagrams of the relationship between personality and environment.

Explains the concept of the pedagogization of the environment and gives examples of stimulating and non-stimulating environments.

Discusses the possibilities of pedagogizing the school environment to help achieve educational and upbringing goals.

Explains the phenomenon of risky behavior.

Discusses the factors behind risky behavior.

Evaluates the risks associated with diagnosing specific behavioral disorders.

Explains the interconnectedness of various manifestations of risky behavior.

Describes types of prevention of risky behavior.

Justifies the relativity of risky behavior.

Explains the relationships between risk and protective factors.

Applies relevant theories that explain manifestations of specific types of risky behavior.

Critically evaluates methodological guidelines and recommendations from the Ministry of Education on preventing risky student behavior.

Discusses disciplinary infractions and possible interventions and solutions for such behavior.

Defines the concept of manipulation.

Discusses the meanings of the phrase "manipulation in education."

Discusses the essence of manipulation in family and school education.

Demonstrates various forms of manipulation in education using concrete examples.

Explains the manipulative approach to education from the perspective of different pedagogical movements and significant figures in education. Discusses education as a specific case of manipulation.

Discusses the possible positives and negatives of manipulation in education.

Defines the phenomenon of self-education and places it in the broader context of education.

Clarifies the relationship between self-education and related concepts, particularly self-management and self-coaching.

Explains the nature of self-regulation and provides examples of possible classifications.

Describes the importance of continuous self-awareness for successful self-education.

Discusses appropriate criteria for assessing self-educational goals.

Evaluates the possible limits of self-education, considering personal and situational factors in an individual's life.

Evaluates one's own possibilities and limits for systematic self-educational efforts.

Proposes ways to effectively promote self-education for a specific population of students.

Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (24.11.2024)
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