Text Language Analysis - OPBR4R063B
The aim of this course is to provide the students with the opportunity for automatization and enhancement of different language disciplines skills acquired earlier during their studies. Within the scope of this subject, students` task is to show the ability to synthesize and connect phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax and orthography knowledge, to demonstrate their mutual connection and relationships. During whole semester the students will be working with authentic texts of variable genres and forms. The students` task is to analyze those texts from different aspects, whereas they might have to apply some earlier obtained theoretical knowledge of all linguistic disciplines in practice.
Last update: Liptáková Zuzana, PaedDr., Ph.D. (17.04.2021)
BRANDNER, A. Seminární cvičení z morfologie ruštiny. Plzeň : Aleš Čeněk, 2005. ISBN 80-86898-69-5. DLOUHÝ, M., SPIRIDONOV, V. N. Texty a úkoly k jazykovému rozboru z ruštiny. Praha : UK v Praze – PedF, 1995. LEKANT, P. A. a kol. Sovremennyj russkij literaturnyj jazyk. Moskva : AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2013. ISBN 978-5-462-01357-7. ŠVEDOVA, N. J. a kol. Russkaja grammatika. Tom I. Moskva : Izdatelstvo Nauka, 1980. ŠVEDOVA, N. J. a kol. Russkaja grammatika. Tom II. Moskva : Izdatelstvo Nauka, 1980. Last update: Konečný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.07.2019)