In the course, students learn theoretical issues concerning complex numbers. The course focuses on properties and forms of complex numbers. Attention is paid to geometrical interpretations and to links to sequences. The aim is to grasp the structure of complex numbers and get acquainted with their applications useful in other subjects and at the secondary school.
Last update: Novotná Jarmila, prof. RNDr., CSc. (26.01.2025)
Celková časová zátěž studenta Přímá výuka
Příprava na výuku Doba očekávané přípravy na jeden blok přednáška + cvičení 1 h týdně Samostudium literatury na semestr 30 h Práce se studijními materiály 15 h Domácí úkoly 30 h Plnění předmětu Příprava na zkoušku a zkouška 20 h Last update: Novotná Jarmila, prof. RNDr., CSc. (26.01.2025)
HRUŠA, K., KRAEMER, E., SEDLÁČEK, J., VYŠÍN, J., ZELINKA, R. Přehled elementární matematiky. Praha: SNTL, 1994. Last update: Novotná Jarmila, prof. RNDr., CSc. (26.01.2025)
Motivation for introducing complex numebrs, Cardan formulas Algebraic, geometrical and exponential form of complex numebrs. Operations with complex numebrs and their geometrical interpretation Moivre theorem, roots of complex numebrs, equations with real and complex coefficients, geometrical solution of systems of equations Complex line, its properties and use for solving geometrical problems in a real plane Mappings Complex sequences Last update: Novotná Jarmila, prof. RNDr., CSc. (26.01.2025)
Learners - understand the motivation for introducing complex numbers - master the theory of Complex numbers (algebraic, trigonometric and exponential form of lomplex number) - master multiplication and subtraction of complex numbers, solving equations and systems of equations with complex coefficients - describe the complex line, its properties and its use in solving trigonometric problems in the real plane - master the theory of complex plane representations of complex sequences, including their use in solving application problems Last update: Novotná Jarmila, prof. RNDr., CSc. (26.01.2025)