The course is focused on STE(A)M fields and aimed at developing 21st-century competencies and sustainability goals.
It is delivered in a blended learning format. The course consists of virtual pre- and post-meetings and a week-long, in-
person workshop (see the schedule). After an initial joint session dedicated mainly to organizational matters, students
will engage in an activity designed to identify their interests in specific topics. Based on this, they will be divided into
groups. The groups will then develop an initial plan for an educational activity, which they will gradually refine during the
intensive workshop. A virtual session will also take place a week after the workshop, primarily aimed at reflecting on the
entire program.
The in-person part consists of independent group work supervised by an international team of experts. The blocks of
independent project work are supplemented with a series of short interactive lectures on various topics related to active
teaching strategies (project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning) in the context of
sustainability and STE(A)M education. The in-person part also includes active student participation in an international
conference held during the last two days of the course. The course concludes with student groups presenting the
outcomes of their work.
Last update: Svoboda Petr, Mgr. (13.09.2024)
Course completion requirements - Czech
Podmínkou zakončení předmětu je účast na online setkáních a aktivní účast v týdnu prezenčního konání kurzu. Zároveň je požadován výstup z práce mezinárodní skupiny.
Last update: Rusek Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (18.09.2024)