The seminar Introduction to the Study of History is an introduction to history as a discipline, but attention is also paid to practical skills in order to gain information about the principles of the historian's work. The student is introduced to the typology of historical sources and historical literature, the principles of heuristics and interpretation of sources, and, last but not least, the principles of writing a professional text. The student will also be introduced to information sources (both classical and electronic) for the historian's work, to professional historical journals and to the functioning of the archival network in the Czech Republic. In addition to the basics of palaeography, the student will also gain an idea of sources preserved by modern media, but is also introduced to iconography. The student learns to problematize a topic, to perform heuristics and to create a professional text with the help of basic historical methods. The seminar also includes joint field trips to libraries and archives.
Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic concepts of the study of history, with the basic types of historical sources and methods of their interpretation, and with the system of functioning of Czech archives and memory institutions. Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
The condition for obtaining the attestation (credit) is attendance at classes, successful completion of the final test and submission of three annotated books. Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
Bartoš, J.: Úvod do problematiky historického bádání a nauky o pramenech. Olomouc 1999 Beneš, Z.: Historický text a historická kultura. Praha 1995 Kutnar F. - Marek J.: Přehledné dějiny českého a slovenského dějepisectví. Praha 1997 Zwettler, O. - Vaculík, J. - Čapka, F.: Úvod do studia dějepisu. Brno 1994 Úvod do studia dějepisu I. a II. Brno 2014 Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
The seminary character of the course expects the student to participate in the in-class readings and the interpretation of presented primary sources. Taking part in the visits to archives is also required as is the students’ readiness in terms of individual consultation of the teacher. Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
1. Historiography (terminology, development) 2. Heuristics (bibliographies, syntheses, encyclopedias, dictionaries, editions) 3. Information sources (archives, libraries, internet) 4. Historical journals 5. Memory institutions (museums, galleries) 6. Professional historical text (methodology, typology, processing procedures) 7. Typology of historical sources I - written sources, material sources 8. Typology of historical sources II - literary sources, pictorial sources, audiovisual sources 9. Typology of historical sources III - personal sources, oral sources 10. Principles of criticism of historical sources Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
In this seminar, students will learn to use the basic concepts of the scientific field of history, learn to distinguish between different types of specialized history books, and become familiar with the types of historical sources. They will also be able to write annotations of professional historical works and, upon completion of the seminar, will be able to describe the methods of the historian. Last update: Koura Petr, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)