The course is dedicated to computer applications in teacher profession and in a spectrum of different teaching phases. The attention will be given mainly to such computer technologies that support teacher creativity and that teachers can use for interactive digital teaching and learning materials development and for arrangement of educational situations supported by ICT.
Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (04.12.2009)
COLLIS, B., MOONEN, J. An on-going journey: Technology as a learning workbench [on-line]. [cit. 12.9.2009]. University of Twente, Enschede, The Netlerlands, 2005. Dostupné na: http://www.bettycollisjefmoonen.nl/rb.htm. ČERNOCHOVÁ, M., KOMRSKA, T., NOVÁK, J. Využití počítače při vyučování. Náměty pro práci dětí s počítačem. Praha : Portál, 1998. DUM RVP. Portál VÚP. http://dum.rvp.cz Portál ÚIV. http://www.uiv.cz TELMAE. http://telmae.eu KALHOUS, Z., OBST, O. et al. Školní didaktika. Praha : Portál, 2002. Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (04.12.2009)
1. Summary of ways and means how to apply ICT in teacher profession. 2. Model examples of ICT applications in school practice for teaching purposes and needs. Available sources and repositories of high-quality materials for teachers. Criteria for assessment of teaching materials and sources. 3. Design and development of digital learning and tecahing materials with using available SW. Last update: CERNOCHO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (24.01.2010)